Hi , Everyday I receive emails of such nature. It's a very common scenario in the free FB group as well (you can add yourself there). And here's an email I received from Rosie who is going through a painful breakup: "Hello Kat, The week got busy and I did not manage to respond to you. I decided to get into your FB fan subscription despite my reticence towards Facebook. I write to you directly as I really am private and still don’t feel comfortable
with FB commenting. Every morning I play a satsang and here and there I get nuggets of gold that resonate with where I
am today. Yesterday, in one class you said this to another lady whose bf also broke up with her despite doing everything the Kat way: “your relationship reached a milestone and he needed to do this to have the clarity about his feelings for
you…” That struck me so much because you articulated something that I only knew intuitively since the break up: I just felt that he
needed to do it for himself; that it needed to happen. And there’s really not much for me to do about it, other than to ride the wave and find the good in it. What is unbelievable for me, though, is how functional and stable I was this whole week following this, on top of the massive stresses I am having at work. I was super productive and I have been sleeping
well. In the past, prior to knowing your teachings, confrontational breakups like this always turned me into a vegetable.. so devastated, so broken, almost unable to function. And I in fact expected it to be the same. But this time, I feel strong and focused, and the no contact period of this week passed uneventfully. I truly believe this is the brilliance and beauty of leaning back: my self-dignity and self-worth is so in tact since I know that from the very beginning I’ve only been the best version of myself towards him. He started everything, all along I simply responded with openness and love to
his actions. And though my feelings are of course pained by the break, I can look at my own self in the mirror and know full well I’ve treated her with the respect, value and kindness that is due to her. That is the most important for me today. And so by extension, I know I’ve only treated him the same. My intuition tells me that all this is happening because it is necessary. I ultimately do not know how things will turn out but what I also have learned from you, that I have been applying in all areas of my life, is living with the least resistance.. to everything that takes place, that unfolds, that has to happen. Life has only been very good to me because of this. What has to happen must happen, and at some point we’ll get where we have to be. Next week, I will have no choice but to be with him in the same room for five days because of a company event. I will work this weekend on
taming my expectations, and practice non-attachment. My fear is that out of nervousness I’d avoid him too much, or out of eagerness I’d approach him too much. My “goal” is to just be, and just let my friendly, warm, light and lovely self come out, be relaxed and shine.
So, , if you are in the same situation as her I commend you to sign up for my fan subscriptions because I will read this story for next week's class and provide her with practical advice on how to keep her grounded with the possibility re-attracting him back OR potential
attract a better man. How does that sound? There are 3 ways you're getting into a relationship with a skewed mindset that makes it harder for him to deepen the bond with you: - Believing that relationship will save you from yourself meaning that will solve the inherent issue of not being contented in one's own skin. Thanks to this you become so shaky when you see that your idealization of a romantic relationship creates
so many upheavals when it's being met with a reality that is not exactly as the expectations.
- Being in love with the idea of a man: his potentiality instead of what you are seeing moment to moment and adjust to it.
- Jealousy and possessiveness are a common
factor that creates so much rockiness in the relating. A lot of women believe in the rigidity of the idea of loyalty because they don't really believe in their own desirability.
Now suffice it to say that whatever your situation is my teachings will solve it and I am the TOP COACH in the world in the expertise of reuniting exes, no doubt about it. This is why you don't mix my advice with anyone else's. Katarina Phang is the Rain Maker, beyond the shadow of a doubt. She lives a miraculous life herself and she has a
Midas Touch as she turns the impossible POSSIBLE with her Divine Presence and Wisdom.Rosie also
listens to many classes on this list as well, PM me with your story if you want me to pick the 5 classes that come with 5 class specials and I will bonus you with an extra class so instead of saving $136 you will be saving $243 (yes you or I can pick it for you
too): Individual Hit Classes You Can't Afford To MissIf you're new to me you might also start with the ebook that has revolutionized the dating niche because the advice truly works!! Being so in love with a guy who hasn't earned your commitment and heart is a hindrance. Read it and practice the principles if you want to reverse this dead end situsionship and you'll also get my new ebook "The Road to Goddeshood" valued at $67 as a bonus (so 2 in one!!). If any method could solve your issues, it's Katarina Phang's!Trust Me He's Really That Into You, Lovelies!While at checkout get also this super duper hit class you can't live without at a bundle price:How To Be High Value And Easy To LoseAnd again you're losing up by not being in the fan subscriptions. I'll show up THURSDAY at 6 pm EST and you can list your issues now. Not only that you will also have access to the entire library consisting of 242 very enlightening and soul
nourishing classes (over 275 hours of streaming that will keep you busy and occupied so you don't lean forward) that will raise your Goddess Vibrations and you can't afford to miss especially if your love life is very challenging to you. Learn all this wisdom from the Ultimate Love Guru with her rare penetrating insights into human nature you won't find anywhere else in the niche, GUARANTEED!https://www.facebook.com/becomesupporter/156360071174387/To check the list of the
classes, click on the blog post below and visit it often for updates (it's very hard to keep up since I've never missed a beat since we started):SECRET OF GODDESSHOOD AGAIN, GET THE 5 CLASS SPECIALS ON THIS LINK BELOW AND EMAIL ME WITH 6 CLASSES OR TELL ME YOUR STORY SO I CAN PICK THEM FOR YOU.
Individual Hit Classes You Can't
Afford To MissIt's like getting 9 hours of my coaching with the price of less than one (currently my hourly rate for private coaching is $699). and start noticing how your hot and cold EUM begins to yearn for you. |