Hi ,
I left for Indonesia on April 23. When I arrived on 24th I told one of my best friends that I had arrived and he responded he got covid (mind you like most Indonesians he was 3 times jabbed). Told him to rest and take ivermectin thinking he would recover in no time. And I checked on him on 27th and he said he was still bedresting.
He did recover seemingly but 2 days later I got the news from a mutual friend that he had passed, while drinking his hot tea that his sister served while lounging in the living room.
He seemed fine hours before, still talking and taking pictures with his brother in law and a friend and it happened so fast within the 15 mins of window since his sister served the
tea and found his dead body.
It was devastating to me since he was like a brother I never had and he had always been among the first to go anytime I needed help in something, anything the last 21 years.
Then two weeks into the trip I got news from Joe that our fur baby Freckles's arthritis flared up that caused her to limp and soon unable
to walk. On May 28 he got her inflammation meds refilled with little success and on May 31 she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (aggressive bone cancer) on her front left leg.
She seemed
to respond really well to dog dewormer and ivermectin treatments that allowed her to use most of her
front legs again 2 weeks later but the day after her best day in which she was so happy and smiley her back legs gave away and later became so twisted as the arthritis had spread out and worsened (bone to bone).
I was supposed to return on June 23 to make it a 2 month trip but I decided to fly back to California on 18th. I spent the last 2 nights of her life on her side making her comfortable as much as I
could and only left her side for kitchen and bathroom trips. I didn't have a chance to feel tired, jet lagged or even hungry as I lost my appetite and only had snacks and egg whites for the next 4 days. I was so focused on taking care of her making sure she felt loved and cared for while giving Joe the much needed break and rest that he needed.
I had hopes to reverse the situation when I flew back home
but spending the night with a very sick paralyzed dog who couldn't even go to the bathroom the usual way quickly made me see the pain and suffering she was in and knew right away, even though that night she was so visibly upbeat and happy because I was home, the only right way was to let her go in
So we called the vet the day after and book them to come the next day to free her from her pain. I spent another night -her last night- with her, sitting by her side all night and morning, rubbing her and comforting her with sweet words.
She transitioned peacefully on June 21 at exactly 1:21 pm. It was a relief to
see her freed from these awful diseases but
the next day we were a total mess: the first day without her in the house the last almost 7 years. We're missing her terribly and we're grieving.
Needless to say the past 2
months have been the saddest 2 months in my life. Two most important sentient beings/angels in my life died on me in the span of 7 weeks.
I haven't experienced a loss so great since I lost my grandfather when I was 9 to TB. Losing Freckles is like losing a child as she was my child. The whole experience of caring for her last 3 days of her life and witnessing the dying process till last minute (my
first time ever was truly a spiritual journey I needed to experience. Even in her sickness, dying and death she taught me so much as much when she was alive.
What I learned was grief is real. And we need to grieve after every loss. You will heal faster when you allow yourself to feel all the loss feelings and emotions that come rushing after the loss of loved ones.
How do you deal with grief yourself? Grief of a lost love even...in a romantic context.
If that is what you're going through right now, please rest assured there is a light at the end of the long dark tunnel as I've been there myself.
In fact my client Joanne who was in my
last round of
Feminine Magnetism, The Art of Being A Woman That Captures A Man's Heart experienced that grief when her EUM dumped her and she sought for my help by signing up for the powerful program. She recently wrote me that she was engaged just less than a year after the program started.
I found you last year after my boyfriend Eric at the time
broke up with me suddenly. He had reconnected with someone from his past and wanted the freedom to explore things with this person. He didn’t want to break up with me, but I felt I wanted something better than what he was offering. I didn’t know if something better existed, but I wanted to try for something better.I
thought we would be together forever as he had told me that over and over again. He had showered with gifts and attention, but looking back, I realize he never was willing to work hard or sacrifice in anyway for me. He actually had won the lottery in the past and didn’t need to work. I thought I was lucky to find someone with so much free time. But looking back I realize what a turn off it is when a man is lazy. He only gave me what was easy for him. He never really tried to see me or make me happy. I leaned forward a lot to try to make him the person I wanted, and it ultimately pushed him
away. I found you because I wanted to learn to lean back. I wanted a man who would pursue me who would work hard and had a lot of masculine power. I wanted to learn to receive and to be radiant as a woman.As soon as I started following your work, I realized it was more about becoming the person I was meant to be, and not to worry about the person I was meant to be with. I believed that if I became, the best version of myself that the best man would show up in my life. I started following your work in August and I met my partner in November. Jay is the greatest man I have ever known. He is generous, loving, patient, hard-working, and a good father, he is an excellent
communicator and works hard at making me happy. He made it clear from the beginning that he was going to pursue me and that he wanted to claim me. He loves me for my femininity and my radiance. He loves that I am leaning back and allowing him to step up. he steps up in every way way I want before I even ask for it. It only took five months of dating for him to ask me to marry him I said yes, of course as I know with certainty that he and I can be happy together.
Thank you Kat for your guidance."
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If you have taken a few
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2 HR MASTERCLASS : LEANING BACK THE LOST ART OF SEDUCTION VALUED AT $222 (You simply don't want to miss this!!) AS WELL AS $200 discount with coupon code 200OFF till June 30, 2024