Are You A Doormat or A Softened Goddess?

Published: Tue, 09/06/16

Are You A Doormat or A Softened Goddess?
Hi ,

I'm in Toronto right now with my parents and boyfriend.  We visited Niagara Falls before coming here and have had a great time.  Then I found myself to be a victim of grand cyber theft last night.  I sent you an email earlier about that so please read that carefully and write me if you have any question or need any help to purchase my hit programs/products or want to help me solve this issue because you indeed paid the wrong person for your previous purchases.

Anyway, I have a crisis going on but life goes on and my work continues.  I will continue to serve you diligently and I am blessed to have you all as my fans/friends/supporters/clients because thanks to you I have lived this dream life I am living.  

I'm a little flustered but I know eventually everything is going to be alright.

I live my life without resistance.  Even in time of crisis I stay grounded and calm.

Anyway, I'd like to talk about the difference between a doormat and a Goddess.  I get this question a lot: if I don't tell him what he does wrong or what my expectations are how can I not be a doormat?

That is a valid question of course and the answer to it is one thing: emotional freedom.

Emotional freedom is what I have right now.  I am being robbed by some Chinese con-men/women but emotionally I am still free.  Yes I'm doing something about it to rectify the situation but resisting what happened will only make me suffer and won't change what happened. 

So my focus is on the solution, not the problem, always.

With men, it's the same.  When you are not over-invested you genuinely and naturally could care less of what a man is doing or not doing.  It's different when you are so over-invested, isn't it?

Here's the sign of over-invested doormats:  You are all confused and anxious about what's happening and you either stuff it inside or are looking for ways to fix it so you lean forward and even start mothering him hoping you will change his behaviors to suit your agenda.

In other words you are at his mercy.  You're trying too hard and you always walk on eggshells for the fear that you will rock the boat and lose him.

It's not fun to be a doormat, is it?

So I had a class on this last week in which I differentiate three different types of doormats.  You can find out if you are one and of what type you are below (and please check the vendor on the sales page before clicking submit button, it has to be Katarina Phang Inc with email:  If not, please respond this email so I can help you):

A goddess, on the other hand, would just detachedly observe a man's behaviors and adjust to the situations cause she has OPTIONS!  She doesn't really care what a man in her rotation does or doesn't do cause she's...well a Goddess and she can adjust to whatever and her free time is usually occupied by men who are pursuing her so she doesn't like a guy more than he likes her.

That lies the problem: you like him way more than he likes you.  You are addicted to the sex.  It's all about LUST and lust doesn't last.

When you know the root of the problem you can reverse it.

So get the class and turn yourself into a Goddess who has men eat out the palm of her hand.  You will never get so invested in a lukewarm man who has your heart on a string ever again.  And thanks to that you are naturally a softened Goddess.  It's not an act.  It's all genuine and that is what makes a man falls so deeply in love with you he can't afford to lose you.

It's all so effortless.

Prior to this class I also had a class on why you are such a drama queen.  This class will reveal the process how you identify with stories in your head.  Many of you are so reactive to your guy's dismay because he doesn't relate to the stories you tell yourself in your head.  That's why he pulls away or breaks up with you.  Once you understand the process, the rest will fall into place.

Ignorance is the cause of all your hardship in life.  As I have shown it to you, life's challenges shouldn't be why you suffer.  The way you relate to problems is the answer and that's all I ever teach with astonishing results.

Here's what Holly said yesterday after practicing what I teach/advise in my ebook and email coaching. 

"Just a little success story and a thank you to Katarina Phang. I have found your book really insightful and helpful. I have been in a nearly 3 year relationship with my bf and after him wanting a month apart I found Katarina. I knew I had pushed him away with my expectations, arguing and fighting.

I took Katarina's advice and lowered my expectations completely and did some work on myself for anxiety etc (I saw/still see a psychologist as there were deep issues). It's now been 3 months since he came back and although we have had a few little bumps, our relationship is better than it has been in over 6 months.

It is easy and carefree and he is more affectionate than ever because he is not on edge waiting for me to start another argument.

The biggest thing was I learned to really LISTEN to him and his needs as well as my own and respect them (I am a pretty bossy, dominant female).I really dedicated myself to changing my behavior as I knew it wasn't natural and I had developed these issues within myself so I knew I was only the one who could change them.

I wanted to be a better person overall and in turn that made me a better partner. Through the fighting he wanted less sex even which was difficult to deal with, but now it's back to what it was when we first met.

He said to me this morning "Baby, things are better with you than I ever remember them to be, you make me very happy. I am going to marry you one day." I didn't make massive changes, just small steps over time and slowly my anxiety faded. I no longer think of him not messaging/calling or hang on my phone waiting to hear from him.

I live my life and do my own thing/follow my passions and he easily fits in around it all. I do believe positive, happy relationships feel carefree and easy and mine finally feels back to that place where it used to be. Thanks again Katarina :)

Whatever your situation is you're in the right hands.

Thank you so much for all your love and support all these years.  I value you all as my fans and clients.
