Dating A Recently Divorced Man, What To Do When He Blows Hot And Cold?

Published: Thu, 10/20/16

Dating A Recently Divorced Man, What To Do When He Blows Hot And Cold?
Hi , 

Jenna is one of my miracles because against all odds, she managed to melt a recently divorced man's heart and got him to marry her just 1 year and 2 months after they first met (he was only 7 months out of his marriage then).

You can find her story here.

Realistically, a divorced man has to deal with the baggage of his past marriage before he can contemplate another relationship, let alone another marriage.

And many have to go through some transitional relationships and play the field before fully committing again to another relationship.

And if you don't understand this, you'll trudge along with high expectations that will create so much havoc in your emotional life.  Lucky Jenna had found me just before she met this man.

Sure, she got shaky at times -hence she was working with me through my programs- because she just felt how special this man was and how strong their connection was.

Many women who come to me tell this cautionary tale of a guy going cold even though they shared "a very special connection."  And many times I have to tell him to stop clinging to an idea that was based on past experience(s).

You only know how well connected you truly are when he consistently steps up.  That's your barometer there, not some romantic idea of deeply looking into each other's eyes during hot love-making sessions a few weeks/months ago.

You can only succeed in love and relationship when you are okay with whatever outcome that might come out of it, not some pre-conceived expectations based on your conditioning.  You must go into it with a curiosity to be surprised, one way or another.

That's the attitude Jenna cultivated after she faced the same maddening and anxiety-inducing hot and cold behaviors typical of a recently divorced man.

She was sitting both in Journey Inward and the monthly membership to pace herself and tendency to attach to this man cause she realized how attracted she was toward him.  

And I know many of you just don't know how to deal with your strong attraction to a man.  And the ignorance causes him to lose attraction for you.


I've been documenting and celebrating my clients' success stories so she will also be on my Goddess Interview Series.   Tomorrow, Friday, October 21 at 4 pm EST she'll be the guest star for this class: "Goddess Interview: Jenna, Dating A Recently Divorced Man, How She Melted His Heart and Get Him to Marry Her In A Year."

The previous Goddess Interview: Kimi, told her journey of getting her ex-husband back after 5 years of divorce and silence.  They just remarried last month!

She's engagement #15 this year!

Both women are proof that anything is possible with my teachings.  No relationship issue is too hard to overcome.  And they will tell you what the game changers are.  So email me to sign up and you'll get two classes/month and you can cancel anytime.  

These two ladies were in Journey Inward and it literally changed their lives upside down.  And as part of the new program, Journey Inward is in Module 1 so if you want to discover who you truly are, you can sign up below (again write me if you're interested).  This program is new so even if you have signed up before, you will learn so much more about yourself with the latest version.  Plans are available for either so no excuse that you can't afford it!

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