How To Manage Your Emotional Investment When He’s Been Stepping Up But Hasn’t Claimed You

Published: Sat, 11/05/16

How To Get Off The Roller Coaster
Hi ,

Tell me if what Joy shares in this post sounds familiar to you:

"Ladies, I was doing really well, everything was going wonderfully with The Guy - he was stepping up, we saw each other every weekend, told his friends about me, etc.  We finally had a proper non couch date that he initiated (we have been seeing each other since January and everything was going great, all since I read Kat's book in December.

He was the reason for the book after a lot of drama and heartache last year and me not understanding his hot/cold ways, known each other for 6 years and always been an attraction but both were in relationships).

After that weekend at the end of May (which was magical and such a huge leap for him) things have just went awry. Me and him work together - I had a week off after that and didn't initiate (my friend thinks this was a mistake as after he finally stepped up I shouldn't have ignored him.).

Suddenly he pulled back. I can understand why, I lost my way in the teachings a bit and found working with him SO hard.

Imagine you are trying to fight against being reactive but for the next 3 weeks you are on the same shift as the guy, being on the same train to and from work, living opposite each other and having to sit in a tea room with each other and make small talk? All whilst you are absolutely giving in to anxiety and depression and it's obvious for all to see? Ugh.

He asked me a few times what was up with me but I just freeze up and say nothing. It doesn't help that work is awful right now and we both hate it. Don't get me wrong, we have seen each other outside of work and last time he was over was back to being great.

I felt relaxed, non reactive, and we had a great time. Then I leaned forward, have been moody as he wasn't doing what I wanted him to (even though I never spoke up). He is on holiday in Florida, been there for last 2 weeks. He has been in contact since he's been away, which I wasn't expecting as things were so damn tense.

Last time I heard from him was 6 days ago though. I have been keeping myself busy and working on me but I really fear that it's all been messed up. I also keep letting dark jealous thoughts ruin my energy and good vibes. I want positive vibes only ladies, I am well aware of where I've went wrong.

I can't seem to get my head out of feeling like it's last year, despite the huge difference in both of us, and it's really not helping. I want to be the goddess again. Is it totally messed up? 😁 I've not initiated whilst he's been away, he has. I think the last month has made him back off and think I'm too hard to make happy cos I've been so bloody miserable!"

Many of you have this habit to get ahead of yourself cause you just don't believe that your life will be equally great with or without him.  And the likelihood is your life isn't that great to begin with and he fills that proverbial hole within you and he becomes your crutch to have that hole constantly filled.

And by that virtue (or lack thereof) you are bound to the endless roller-coaster ride each time you date a guy you remotely like.  You attach quickly so long he's showing signs that he's hard to get (yes women like you actually love men who are hard to get cause they are indications of high value to you).

Now, if you just can reverse that mindset how thriving your dating life will be!  You are the one incessantly pursued instead of the one that is the incessant pursuer/piner yourself?

You want him cause he's hard to get, and in quite the same way -only in a much stronger fashion- a guy wants a woman who is high value and easy to lose thanks to his hunter instinct.

You can't be high-value and easy to lose UNLESS you know how to manage your emotional investment.

Joy has seen the initial success of my miraculous method but the missing piece is she is not easy to lose (cause she refuses rotation so her energy is "if I don't get this, I'll be screwed") and she has no clue on how to manage her emotional investment. 

She's in way deep before he can catch up with her over-invested feelings.  That's a signal for a guy to back off.  And he'll do it instinctively cause his hunter instinct kicks in.  He runs away from things that run after him, even if only energetically.

So listen to this powerful class on why emotionally investment management is mighty important and without it you'll be thrown back to square one.

Rachel says this about the class: “Awesome class as usual Kat. Somehow the universe always sends me exactly the class I need, exactly when I need it. Since I’m such a personal development junkie I tend to listen to a lot of spiritual audios and read a lot of books. Nothing else really has that calming effect on me like listening to one of your classes. This one is exactly what I needed to hear. I’m going to listen again and take notes this time. A Kat class a day keeps the crazy thoughts away. Thanks Kat.” 

You can get these marvelous classes if you sign up for the rocking monthly membership.  With only $97/month you get to work closely with me and you'll get two classes/month dissecting every possible scenario in dating and relationship.

Are you in a breakup situation and want your guy back?  You can't afford to miss this class.  And stay subscribed cause I'll bring so many Goddesses with compelling stories, each one of which you will learn a ton from like the one with Marina who got her ex (who went back to his ex) back under my coaching!

Don't suffer alone.  Get the help you need from the ultimate relationship coach the world has to offer.
