Third Free Class, And Ask Your Questions For Next Class

Published: Mon, 06/19/17

Third Free Class, And Ask Your Questions For Next Class
Hi , 

How was your Father's Day?  It was special for me because I have my father visiting this Father's Day.  But we didn't grow up celebrating Mother's Day or Father's Day so there is no expectation on these days for us.

And besides everyday is Father's Day in our household since he's been here.  I feed him every day.  I cook most days and serve the food for him.  So yeah he's getting special treatment already!  So "nothing special" on Father's Day other than how he's been being treated already every day.

But we jumped in the pool, I cooked his lunch and Joe BBQed for us all for dinner.  It was a great day!

I'm just feeling blessed I still get to enjoy time with him privately.  We take our morning or afternoon walks in the idyllic neighborhood often.  He does it twice a day.  I join him when I can.

I don't need Father's Day to express how much I care for him cause I do it every day.  It's the same with my mother.  I take them globe trotting every few months since late 2014.

In America everything seems to have to be compulsory.  It's the same with Valentine's Day, for example.  All these "holidays" become so commercial.

It doesn't come from the heart. It comes from the mind (should). If you truly care for a person, you don't need a particular day to show appreciation and you won't make it a day filled with expectations either.

Your locus of control is, thus, external.  And you will be so busy trying to fix, control and secure an outcome, i.e. certain treatments from others, or you'll be majorly upset!

Is it fun to live like that?

I bet no.

Thus, what is neediness? Neediness is selfish at its core to begin with but needy people think it's the other person who is selfish. Hence neediness is a sign that one needs to care about oneself more and embrace one's selfish side. Once you realize that you're just as selfish as the next person next door, you stop judging others for their selfishness which is a mere projection of your own selfishness.
We will explore more about the self-deceptive nature of the ego in the upcoming retreat. The self-deception creates the blind spot. And these blind spots are why you become less effective and functional in dealing with people or your partner. You won't come from the retreat the same person!

It's a worthwhile investment unlike typical self-help programs/events that leave you high for a few days/weeks before going back to the old grind with the same exact shallow mind.

Whatever self-exploration you need to do, you'll get to share every bit of that with me in a very intimate setting in the midst of celestial beauty of nature in San Diego county.

Treat yourself with the best gift and best vacation you can give yourself this Labor Day weekend because you're worth it.

You will learn so much of self-mastery and personal leadership in this retreat you will come home a new person!  And with your raised vibrations, the state of your life will naturally follow that uplifted sense of being.

And don't miss the early bird specials that also comes with bonus classes (value at: $127)!  Many women spend thousands of dollars to work from afar (online) with me and with a fraction of the cost I'm actually going to share my sacred space LIVE and OFFLINE (both inner and outer -yet private-) with you.  

My results are well-documented.  They're consistent and certainly not a gimmick.  It takes real work -real transformation-, hence not everyone is going to be ready.  Bu once you're ready, you're unstoppable.

My teachings are timeless and here to stay, long after I'm gone.  If you follow me on FB you will read daily testimonials from happy clients around the globe.  I don't only claim stuff without any evidence to back it up.

So now let's talk about my free classes rom the live video I've been doing!!

Here's the very first class on favorite subject: rubber banding or why men pull away.  If you appreciate what I say, please help me share the video.

Please let me know what you think and please share if the class resonates with you.  And post your questions for the next class on the comment section of the FB video/post.

And lats but not least, if you are Iphone users have you downloaded my apple app?  We're still working on the client interface so you can also access your products on the members page from the app.  Download below:

if you're android users, here's the link for the app again:

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