FREE CLASS: What Is The Art Of Being That Will Give You Everything You Ever Dreamed Of

Published: Sun, 06/25/17

FREE CLASS:  What Is The Art Of Being That Will Give You Everything You Ever Dreamed Of

Hi , 

Yesterday I had a live video on Facebook and it went for close to 90 minutes!  Here's the recording.

Follow me on FB  or like my page to be in the loop for future free classes in which I will address every question you might have.

And as if these weren't enough, I now also open one of my FB groups for newbies like you for free in which you can familiarize yourself with every magic solution I teach for every problem you have in both life and relationship.  Add yourself here:

Katarina Phang's High Value Goddess Community

Just by following me on either of these forums your life -every aspect of your life- will change for the better.

Let's talk about another success story today since I have tons of them.  Britney was referred to me by a fellow coach in late 2015 as her relationship was on the path of destruction thanks to her insecurities and neediness and this coach said "the only person who can hep you is Katarina Phang."

She managed to turn it around within months. She wrote 6 months later:  

"Wow, Katarina really is the genius of all geniuses!!! I've been following her for about six months now, because of a recommendation from another good friend of mine who is a relationship coach.

In the beginning I really thought all hope was gone. I was leaning forward so bad that my face was in the sand and I was oblivious. We just got back from our first vacation to California, visiting my dad and brothers and sisters. Today was our second day home and when I woke up at his house I relaxed for a few then went home and got busy. I didn't bother him all day and he emailed me that he missed me and then even after our good night phone call ( after spending the evening together) he called back again to remind me how much he missed me today and that when he gets his tax return he wants to take us on another trip.

Now, this is Coming from the man who NEVER wanted to travel and said he never would. In fact he almost bailed out on our trip last minute. Was just going to give me the cash to go by myself. But we talked it through calmly and he decided to go even though we came back earlier than we originally were going to. I didn't fall apart over it and argue, and It's all because of this program. I'm not perfect I still relapse once in a while, but I'm completely shocked and excited. Thank you again for everybody's advice and encouragement since I've started here. I literally would not be here without it. Love you all! ❤"

Just early this year they moved in together and on May 29, she wrote: "Hi Kat!!! Just wanted to let you know he bought a ring. He has not proposed to me yet, as apparently he is planning something BIG and won't even tell my family about it. I'm not sure what he has planned or when but the ring is beautiful. He wanted to make sure I liked it since I'm going to be stuck with it forever lol."

Then yesterday, she updated: "Something amazing and exciting happened to us today. We bought our first house in Texas! We are so excited as this is going to be a big adventure. It's a very big change for us but we couldn't be more happy with our choice. Leaving upstate NY in just over a month, right before my 30th birthday! I was really hesitant about posting this because I don't want to seem like we're bragging at's just a big deal for us and a big life change. Very exciting but also very nervous! Giving God all the credit here! The way this all developed for us was nothing short of a miracle! Thank you Jesus! and thank you Katarina Phang!!!"

She invited me to the wedding next year in California even though they're not officially engaged yet.  She'll be engagement #18 this year!

Results like this are common place in my practice.  I get happy emails/testimonials EVERY SINGLE DAY since the day I published my ebook in 2012 and to read them you simply need to follow me on Facebook or liking my page.  My results are a matter of when, not if.

Like I said yesterday, my impact in the business isn't because of the sheer number of my list or endless advertising/PR/publicity other than what I do myself on my FB accounts.  I barely advertised in fact, because the few times I tried the ads got flagged within hours and my accounts were frozen.  Not really sure what happened I just decided to give the very best service to all my clients.  I handle ALL client relations MYSELF.  That's how close and personal my relationships with my clients are.
So my phenomenal success is simply through the quality of my products and services, not GIMMICKS. It happened organically and what grows organically has the strongest roots.

In other words, simply because WHAT I TEACH WORKS.  Happy clients spread the message and refer their friends to me and soon these people become my success stories as well.  Almost like clockwork.

It's 2 + 2 = 4.

So, Do you want the cheapest way to work with me one on one? Funny thing is the way to do it is LIVE by meeting me at my home in my September 1-4 retreat. It's 2.5 day event spanning for about 16-18 hours of teaching with less than $70/hr. My hourly rate on the phone/Skype is now $369/hr so imagine being wined and dined and interacting with me in such an intimate setting in my own home for 16-18 hours straight.

This is a rare opportunity to learn all the essentials of my miraculous principles that have given birth to 127 engagements the last 3.5 years, at least.  And more than that you will also learn the Art of Being so you can replicate the results I have in my personal life in your own personal life.

What is the Art Of Being?  The Art of Being is the Art of ALLOWING things to grow, happen and unfold naturally and organically because control is an illusion.  It is the art of living without stresses, pressure, heartaches, depression...and in a nutshell without suffering.

Remember, pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

Suffering is assigned to those who are lost in the identification of the "I."  When there is no identification to the "I" there is only impersonal pain that will dissipate naturally because it's not being resisted.

Resistance is the by-product of the "I."

And the "I" is created through the amalgam of thoughts.  Layers upon layers of I-thoughts that are fossilized in your consciousness.  

You see the difference between you and me is I no longer have these fossils in my consciousness.  I die to the content of my consciousness every day.  I empty the content of my consciousness moment to moment so I go around living life by being EMPTY inside.  I welcome whatever life in store for me as if I chose it.  

I make the best of it by working around it.

It is in the nutshell the principles of ALLOWING that I'm talking about and have applied on my life journey.  And I will teach all this in the retreat.

I do what is natural to me.  I just be my natural self and the universe loves my natural self.  By being my natural self I'm happy and peaceful and with that serenity and joy as my default mode I manage to conserve the most powerful energy to be PRODUCTIVE and CREATIVE without feeling like work.

So turn those calories you burn through incessant obsessive thinking into creative genius.  Unleash your inner genius the most definite way, whatever your field is.  And if you are a coach already (of any kind) this retreat will give you the empowerment and insights you need to bring your business to the next level of success.

Life is effortless when you become your natural self.  

I just allow things to unravel organically in its own time and pace, without self-pressure, stresses and depression.

All these principles will also be the reason of your success in life and I will share with you all in our very first retreat.

Whether you are single, dating or in relationship, happily or unhappily married, jobless, in a dead-end or a thriving career, you will get to learn new things in the retreat that you can bring home with you and add value into your life.
Do the work and reap the rewards. I will summarize the central tenets of all my programs and MORE....

Most importantly on how to understand the mind so you can become its master, instead of its slave.  Right now, you're most probably slaves to your mind.

I am the Master to my mind.  My mind serves me.  It works for me.  It's my most valuable tool and servant.

Once you turn the tables, your life will begin to change as well.  EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE.

Whatever your relationship status, this retreat will give the greatest insights on how to improve or save it. And you will also learn how to become more fulfilled in every aspect of life: your career, your business, your relationships with everyone that matters in your life.

And you don't want to miss this:  Get a bonus of my Leaning Back and Cultivating Feminine Mystique meditations with 3 (Yes THREE) bonus classes upon signing up (value at: $127) and one or two hour video recording of the retreat and 30% discount of the entire recording of the program so you can revisit what you have learnt. Get $400 off if you sign up by June 30 as well!!

And I won't even stop there, if you mention that you're a subscriber of this newsletter, you will get additional bonus you can choose from the three listed below:
1.  Cycle 1 Leaning Back workshop (value: $259)

All these over $500 bonuses are yours if you sign up by June 30, 2017!!!  So HURRY.

This is a one-of-a-kind event that will change your life forever.  Sign up here:

Bring a friend or two and talk to me about it so I can credit you with $200/friend toward your future products with me.  You might want to use it for the coaching certification and online business program or the retreat next year because I'm sure you want to keep coming back if just to simply recharge.


Copyright 2017, Katarina Phang INC, All Rights Reserved.
By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. It is only to be used for personal entertainment purposes. You are solely responsible for the use of any of the content and hold Katarina Phang International, LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. All emails sent to Katarina Phang become the exclusive property of Katarina Phang International, LLC. If you are under the age of 18, please go to the link at the end of this newsletter and unsubscribe yourself.
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