More Free Classes When You Follow Me, Link To Free Video Inside

Published: Fri, 06/16/17

More Free Classes When You Follow Me, Link To Free Video Inside
Hi , 

Before talking about my free class, I'd love to announce engagement #17 this year.  Beth just shared with us in the group that her beloved just proposed.  Here's her story:

"It's been a while...I'm engaged! 💍I'm so grateful to Kat and this group!! 😄Kat, another add to your list!

After many years of chasing and leaning forward, I listened to Kat and leaned back, had a rotation, and met a great guy. I just lean back and he's been amazing!! It took a lot of practice, and it's more than I could have ever imagined :-). Stay high value, don't sweat the small stuff, and it is better than I could have imagined :-). ❤❤

I really just leaned back and tried to stay in the moment if there was a slight twinge of an old pattern. Kat's teachings work and this group really helps :-)." 

I found Kat while being with an EUM (one of many over the years). I had also tried many other programs...Evan Marc Katz, Rorie Raye, and the list goes on. After meeting Kat and joining this group, I stopped focusing on the EUM and then met someone who wasn't a good fit (but learned so much) and ended that. When I started dating my fiancé, I was easy breezy, and wasn't thinking about a specific outcome. I just wanted a nice honest guy. And I met him. He is the best guy I've ever been with and I feel so lucky. He's always surprising me, treats me like a queen, and steps up. Thank you 😊"

If you want to be my next success story, you have come to the right place.

So now let's talk about my free classes!!

Yesterday I informed you about my newfound hobby: doing live video class on Facebook. So those of you who love my classes, you can follow me on FB or like my page and get weekly or biweekly FREE live video class.  So far I have done 3 live classes here's the very first class on favorite subject: rubber banding or why men pull away.  If you appreciate what I say, please help me share the video.

Please let me know what you think and please share if the class resonates with you. 

And if you are Iphone users have you downloaded my apple app?  We're still working on the client interface so you can also access your products on the members page from the app.  Download below:

if you're android users, here's the link for the app again:

And let me also inform you that yesterday I also had a class in the monthly membership titled: "Ten Steps To Keep Attraction Live in A Long-Term Relationship."  I'm going to fix the recording due to some technical glitches but if you're interested in knowing what these definite steps are, you can still get it with $10 off by getting it on the link below:

Many of you worked the magic that I teach to get your guys to commit but then kinda go back to being confused again once you're in relationship or have moved in together.

Some go back to your old pushy anxious self and lose the Goddess mojo and as the result, the insecurities are back in full force!

It doesn't have to be that way.  Your over analyzing is one of the reasons why you feel everything is falling apart again.  If you don't bait and switch (being alluringly feminine to trap him, then turning into a bitch once you're claimed), you should be fine.

I will discuss how to keep your relationship, not only alive, but also more bonded every single day.  And it really doesn't take what you think it takes.  If it was effortless to get him to commit, it's also effortless to keep him attracted to you...and not only that but also for him to keep investing in you emotionally.

Because remember, emotional connection and attraction that will keep your relationship intact.

Sign up below for this class only:

This monthly membership is the most affordable way to get my live coaching, so if you think this is how you want to work closely with me, you can commit to month-to-month subscription using the paypal link below (you can cancel anytime yourself though):

The last class we did the which I liked very much was "How to Drop Your Stories And Be Empty Inside, And How It Can Make You So IRRESISTIBLE."   You can get that class now and get these gremlins out of your head once and for all.

So once again, if you want to learn how to keep your relationship strong, healthy and bonded you don't want to miss the class today.  Sign up below.  It's only $77 if you commit now.  All my classes after they're sold separately will start at $87, so you not only get $10 off but you also get to attend live and get life coaching from me for a dime.

If you want to commit month to month and get $10 off for previous classes, sign up using this paypal link.  

And don't forget the earliest bird specials for the retreat on Sept 1 -4 will expire the end of month.

It's not gonna be your usual retreat because the teacher is not that usual. :)  But you will certainly gain so many insights that will last and stay with you of what truly living is all about.

Not to mention how this new style of being will also mesmerize the guy(s) you adore. It's Feminine Magnetism through and through.  It's transformation at the core, not at the superficial level of the mind (you wonder why you only get high for a few weeks with typical self-development seminars/workshops?). 

After only 2 days of announcing the retreat we have had three people registering for the earliest bird specials which means we have 7 seats left for the lowest rate.  Could it be you?  Hurry.
To remind you again, it's $1099 just for the event without accommodations (for those local or have their own place to stay), including meals (and one party night on Saturday or Sunday).

Or you can let us handle your accommodations and pick ups from hotel to venue and vice versa for 3 nights for $1499.

Copyright 2017, Katarina Phang INC, All Rights Reserved.
By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. It is only to be used for personal entertainment purposes. You are solely responsible for the use of any of the content and hold Katarina Phang International, LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. All emails sent to Katarina Phang become the exclusive property of Katarina Phang International, LLC. If you are under the age of 18, please go to the link at the end of this newsletter and unsubscribe yourself.
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