To Sex Or Not To Sex, How To Heal Your Sexual Hangups

Published: Mon, 07/10/17

To Sex Or Not To Sex, How To Heal Your Sexual Hangups
Hi , 

Yesterday I posted the recording of a live class on FB that seemed to be pretty popular, more so than the others, since it talks about a subject that pushes a lot of people's button: sex.  You can watch it here.

Follow me on FB  or like my page to be in the loop for future free classes in which I will address every question you might have and you can attend live.

And as if these weren't enough, I now also open one of my FB groups for newbies like you for free in which you can familiarize yourself with every magic solution I teach for every problem you have in both life and relationship.  Add yourself here:

Katarina Phang's High Value Goddess Community

We will start the brand new program Module 5 Salvation Through Relationship on July 22.  Sign up here and reply to this email if you need a plan.

Just by following me on either of these forums your life -every aspect of your life- will change for the better.

Today I'd like to talk about sex.  We have one bonus class left on Module 4 Celebrating Your Feminine Sexuality and Healing Your Sexual Trauma.  The title of the class is: How To Increase Your Sexual Consciousness.  

We have so much judgment when it comes to sex.  Many women come to me with skewed view and thus expectations when it comes to sex and that's why they can't get the guy to move the relationship to the next level.

We're scared by it, almost, because sex is very fundamental.  It's basic instinct.  We think we need to regulate it so it stops ruling our lives.  And we women think since it's so powerful we can turn it into a bargaining chip.

But little did we know, repressing it is a source of a lot of emotional and psychological damages in us.  And turning it into a power struggle is the last thing that makes healthy relationship.  We become a splintered personality (a split mind) as a result.  We walk like a cripple because we carry so much inner conflicts and resistance within us.

Sexual energy is a life force and repression isn’t going to make it disappear, but merely go underground.  If you condemn and suppress it you’re going against life/nature.

Suppression makes it ugly.  Sex in actuality is innocent energy, people give it a label bad or good, right or wrong and create an emotional entanglement in the process.

What we need to do is to recognize and have it move freely in the body finding its natural expression.  For most people, it will lead to sexual intercourse.  For some this energy will be transcended and transformed into something else. 

Bottom line is, energy can’t be created nor destroyed.  It can only be transformed from one form into another.  Your role is to be conscious of it and how this energy is being channeled/expressed.

So in this class you will learn to relax about your natural essence: that you're a sexual being.  It's perfectly alright to be sexual like it's perfectly okay to want to eat when you're hungry.  Resisting it will create all sorts of issues between you and men and this, to many of you, is exactly why your relationship never launches and you're perpetually single.

What you have learnt and will continually learn from me is I'm not about repression.  I'm about transformation.  With more awareness, we can one day transform sexual energy into something beautiful, like enlightenment. 

We're about looking without prejudice.  We’re not for or against.  We’re about non judging awareness.  This is the law of allowing: let the dusts settle, let the water clear out of the mud of its own accord….and it will.  Awareness is like fire.  It’s a transformational force. 

The more aware you are, thus, the less sexual you become.  The sexual energy is being channeled upward toward divinity instead moving downward to sexual expression/activities. 

When you drop the mind completely you become a non sexual being (hence Buddha, Jesus and most sages were celibate). It’s celibacy by nature (not thorough mind imposition).  

In the state of no mind in which all thoughts have disappeared, you are awareness itself.  What is natural lasts.  What is repressed and engineered will leak through other channels and become unconscious.

So in this program you will learn to be more conscious.  You will learn to bring awareness into everything you do: eat with more awareness, talk with more awareness, listen with more awareness, walk with more awareness, attend to tasks with more awareness and even falling asleep with more awareness. 

If you also conduct your sexual activities with more awareness so you no longer see it in terms of exploiter vs. the exploited, you will also let the relationship unfold consciously and be a conscious participant in the relationship.  When you are conscious you can’t be harmed.  Only your deep-asleepness (unconsciousness) will put you in a harm way.

I will give you practice in this class to dive and surrender into your desire by bypassing the mind, so sex becomes your meditation.  Let it move freely so it doesn’t create a block. 

We won’t judge our desire.  We will learn to surrender into it.  Those of you who are so guilt and shame ridden about your sexuality that you have been repressing it for so long, it’s now time to befriend your sexual desire and in fact encourage it to come out.  Those who are governed by lust can practice to move that energy upward.

You don't want to miss this class/program.  It could very well be the missing link of why you're always unlucky in life.  Please respond to this email if you need a plan.

And last but not least, have you checked your calendar if you're free on Sept 1-4?  Instead of going to your usual Labor weekend getaway, what about investing into something that will change your life forever?

Yup, come to my celestial home and learn everything I ever taught in this intimate, relaxing retreat set in an idyllic setting of Southern California.

Learn my inner process so you can unleash your own inner genius, whatever that is.  If you don't know what you want to do in life, this retreat might give you the breakthrough you need.

You will learn on how to be PRODUCTIVE and CREATIVE without feeling like work.  

So turn those calories you burn through incessant obsessive thinking into creative genius.  And if you are a coach already (of any kind) this retreat will give you the empowerment and insights you need to bring your business to the next level of success.

Life is effortless when you become your natural self.  Being enlightened is simply just being natural, nothing else.  It's about being one with the rhythm of life and the lack of separation and conflict is why you become a powerful human being.  Revel in your own ordinariness and you'll become one of the most extraordinary human beings that ever walk on earth.

All these principles will also be the reason of your success in life and I will share with you all in our very first retreat.

Whether you are single, dating or in relationship, happily or unhappily married, jobless, in a dead-end or a thriving career, you will get to learn new things in the retreat that you can bring home with you and add value into your life.

Whatever your relationship status, this retreat will give the greatest insights on how to improve or save it. And you will also learn how to become more fulfilled in every aspect of life: your career, your business, your relationships with everyone that matters in your life.

And you don't want to miss this:  Get a bonus of my Leaning Back and Cultivating Feminine Mystique meditations with 3 (Yes THREE) bonus classes upon signing up (value at: $127) and one or two hour video recording of the retreat and 30% discount of the entire recording of the program so you can revisit what you have learnt. Get $400 off if you sign up by June 30 as well!!

And I won't even stop there, if you mention that you're a subscriber of this newsletter, you will get additional bonus you can choose from the three listed below:
1.  Cycle 1 Leaning Back workshop (value: $259)

All these over $500 bonuses are yours if you sign up by July 31, 2017 or when the three remaining seats are taken, whichever comes first!!!  So HURRY.

This is a one-of-a-kind event that will change your life forever.  Sign up here:

Bring a friend or two and talk to me about it so I can credit you with $200/friend toward your future products with me.  You might want to use it for the coaching certification and online business program or the retreat next year because I'm sure you want to keep coming back if just to simply recharge.


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