You Are The Average Of The Five People You Spend Most Time With

Published: Tue, 06/27/17

You Are The Average Of The Five People You Spend Most Time With

Hi , 

I just collated all the live video classes and upload them on my youtube page.  Subscribe to it to get updated on uploaded new classes.

Follow me on FB  or like my page to be in the loop for future free classes in which I will address every question you might have and you can attend live.

And as if these weren't enough, I now also open one of my FB groups for newbies like you for free in which you can familiarize yourself with every magic solution I teach for every problem you have in both life and relationship.  Add yourself here:

Katarina Phang's High Value Goddess Community

Just by following me on either of these forums your life -every aspect of your life- will change for the better.

And of course no day pass without me getting informed of a success story or another.  My dear client Marina who is the subject of this blog post just got married in May!  She reveled, "I was tired of doing things repeatedly that did not work. My path crossed with Katarina that she showed me a different ways of relating with man and also with my emotions. Lots of leaning back and focus on myself!!! Trust the journey and move forward with my life."

She's engagement #18 this year then (even though it happened last year but I just heard yesterday).

Many of you came to me for the same issue: your bf/EUM went back to his ex, what to do?

The article tells you what to do.

And I have to tell you this again, my results like this are common place in my practice.  I get happy emails/testimonials EVERY SINGLE DAY since the day I published my ebook in 2012 and to read them you simply need to follow me on Facebook or liking my page.  My results are a matter of when, not if.
Today I'd like to talk about the very title of this email: you are the average of the five people you spend most time with.

That is a quote from author/motivational speaker Jim Rohn, by the way.

So look at your life today.  How is it?  Could have it been better?

Who are you hanging out with most of the time?  

Who influence the way you think?

Are they Debbie Downers or Negative Nancies?  Are they emotionally draining?  Are they successful?  Are they happy or miserable?  Are they smart, talented, brilliant in any way?  Or are they as stuck as you?

Mingle with successful people -people who are more expanded than yourself-, pick their brains and copy their strategies/methods and you might also be one yourself one day!

In that regards, I offer you to mingle with me as one of those five people and pick my brains in my weekend getaway specifically tailored for women like you: those who are longing for the secrets to happy relationship and above all HAPPY FULFILLED LIFE.

And you might just meet the other four in the retreat!  Some of my most successful clients will be there as well.  Get yourself surrounded with people of the high vibrations and they will help you elevate your own.

And this is also actually how to get my most affordable coaching in the most fun way. It's 2.5 day event spanning for about 16-18 hours of teaching with less than $70/hr. My hourly rate on the phone/Skype is now $369/hr so imagine being wined and dined and interacting with me in such an intimate setting in my own home for 16-18 hours straight.

This is a rare opportunity to learn all the essentials of my miraculous principles that have given birth to 128 engagements the last 3.5 years, at least.  And more than that you will also learn the Art of Being so you can replicate the results I have in my personal life in your own personal life.

What is the Art Of Being?  Are you still in the thinking level?  Thinking level is the lowest level of existence.  It's a mode of existence rife with resistance and, thus, suffering.  If you are still in that mode, the likelihood for you to make progress in life is slim to none.  

Thus, the Art of Being is the Art of ALLOWING things to grow, happen and unfold naturally and organically because control is an illusion.  It is the art of living without stresses, pressure, heartaches, depression...and in a nutshell without suffering.

Remember, pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

As i said two days ago, suffering is assigned to those who are lost in the identification of the "I."  When there is no identification to the "I" there is only impersonal pain that will dissipate naturally because it's not being resisted.

Resistance is the by-product of the "I."

And the "I" is created through the amalgam of thoughts.  Layers upon layers of I-thoughts that are fossilized in your consciousness.  

You see the difference between you and me is I no longer have these fossils in my consciousness.  I die to the content of my consciousness every day.  I empty the content of my consciousness moment to moment so I go around living life by being EMPTY inside.  I welcome whatever life in store for me as if I chose it.  

I make the best of it by working around it.

It is in the nutshell the principles of ALLOWING that I'm talking about and have applied on my life journey.  And I will teach all this in the retreat.

Learn my inner process so you can unleash your own inner genius, whatever that is.  If you don't know what you want to do in life, this retreat might give you the breakthrough you need.

You will learn on how to be PRODUCTIVE and CREATIVE without feeling like work.  

So turn those calories you burn through incessant obsessive thinking into creative genius.  And if you are a coach already (of any kind) this retreat will give you the empowerment and insights you need to bring your business to the next level of success.

Life is effortless when you become your natural self.  Being enlightened is simply just being natural, nothing else.  It's about being one with the rhythm of life and the lack of separation and conflict is why you become a powerful human being.  Revel in your own ordinariness and you'll become one of the most extraordinary human beings that ever walk on earth.

All these principles will also be the reason of your success in life and I will share with you all in our very first retreat.

Whether you are single, dating or in relationship, happily or unhappily married, jobless, in a dead-end or a thriving career, you will get to learn new things in the retreat that you can bring home with you and add value into your life.
Whatever your relationship status, this retreat will give the greatest insights on how to improve or save it. And you will also learn how to become more fulfilled in every aspect of life: your career, your business, your relationships with everyone that matters in your life.

And you don't want to miss this:  Get a bonus of my Leaning Back and Cultivating Feminine Mystique meditations with 3 (Yes THREE) bonus classes upon signing up (value at: $127) and one or two hour video recording of the retreat and 30% discount of the entire recording of the program so you can revisit what you have learnt. Get $400 off if you sign up by June 30 as well!!

And I won't even stop there, if you mention that you're a subscriber of this newsletter, you will get additional bonus you can choose from the three listed below:
1.  Cycle 1 Leaning Back workshop (value: $259)

All these over $500 bonuses are yours if you sign up by June 30, 2017!!!  So HURRY.

This is a one-of-a-kind event that will change your life forever.  Sign up here:

Bring a friend or two and talk to me about it so I can credit you with $200/friend toward your future products with me.  You might want to use it for the coaching certification and online business program or the retreat next year because I'm sure you want to keep coming back if just to simply recharge.


Copyright 2017, Katarina Phang INC, All Rights Reserved.
By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. It is only to be used for personal entertainment purposes. You are solely responsible for the use of any of the content and hold Katarina Phang International, LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. All emails sent to Katarina Phang become the exclusive property of Katarina Phang International, LLC. If you are under the age of 18, please go to the link at the end of this newsletter and unsubscribe yourself.