How To Inspire Him To Propose

Published: Sun, 08/06/17

Are You Sure You Don't Want Me To Help You Face To Face?
Hi , 

Last week we also had two engagements like the week before.  Shaylin actually informed me in May but I was too busy to notice.  She's in the Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching so she has learnt all the drills.

She wrote:  Hi Kat,
Looking forward to the class tonight but I may have to join the replay. I just wanted to let you know I got ENGAGED last night!

I've come a long way since finding you three years ago and I just want to say thank you for changing my life. I'm beyond happy, I get to marry the man of my dreams!!

So I found your website back when I was dating an EUM, and we did the break-up-and-get-back-together thing for awhile, and all that time I was reading and listening to your material, and finally one day I just hit this realization that I deserved so much better than someone who couldn't make up their mind about me. The next time we broke up I was just completely done and it was like a switch flipped. Then I met my now fiancée only a week later, and from the beginning everything was completely different. The first year was still hard for me because I had so many old bad habits and fears to shed, but I listened to your lectures every time I was feeling shaky, and it totally worked.

He is crazy amazing. We have been together 3.5 years but I still pinch myself every day. Like I can't believe this is how my life turned out, considering how hopeless I felt 4 years ago.

So thank you, a million. I probably would not be getting married if it weren't for you. I'm getting all teary eyed just writing that, hahaha.."

They got married this weekend!

Another one is Stephanie:

"And this happened yesterday...  

I met my fiancé on a on-line dating website right after a guy I was seeing for 6 months who cut it off with me without a word to say. 

No intention of hooking up with anyone at the time, just hung in the game to keep myself distracted for a while. 

Anyhow, I was added to this group by a friend who saw me falling apart about the strange breakup. 

I took up some of the lessons learnt here... Leaning back and keeping a rotation and in doing so I was able to enjoy myself during the meet and greets, and going out with my rotation of friends. No expectations. I just focused on me and had a good time.

Now look at me 1 year later!!!! 

Floating on Cloud 9 and engaged to an amazing man today. 
Please excuse my high functioning autistic grandson in the video who made me proud for his participation in this special moment of mine. 

and thank you Katarina Phang for the guidance." ​​​​​​​

So they are engagement #23 and #24 this year!  My records have been very consistent year to year and mind you these are only the tip of the iceberg.  There are obviously hundreds and thousands unreported engagements, weddings, babies....

Cause my stuff works, beyond the shadow of a doubt...  It works because it's psychologically savvy.  Because it's wisdom.

They are the same success stories that bring me to my own success story.  I can't be where I am in life without helping you get to your success stories.  Though many doubt that I really am that successful (they think I fake it :) ), I can solemnly declare (uhm...) that this is real.

My records are real.  My clients are real.  My glowing daily testimonials are real.  My beautiful home is real.  My relationship is real.  My dog is real (yes we've had Freckles for the last month!) :). 

Everything about me is....REAL.  And it's the authenticity that brings me where I am today.

I like me....very much.  I accept me, all of me, warts and all.
The last live video I did  last week, I talked about being unconscious.  And as I have mentioned in the previous email, maybe you'll be shocked when I tell you that the vast majority of people sleepwalk through life.

Yes really.  The vast majority of people are unconscious.  Probably only 5% of world population is awake.  Do you belong to that 5%?  Or are you unconscious?  How do you know if you're unconscious?  Listen to this enlightening class here.

So when you are unconscious, you're going to also conduct your relationship unconsciously.  You'll be a pawn of the ego.

By signing up for my programs and reading my ebook you will slowly understand why your romantic life has been one disaster after another.  When you are conscious, you can't be in a rocky, unhealthy relationship.

My retreat will be such an unforgettable event that will give a rebirth to the new you.  As per now, we have had 12 ladies registering and I'm expecting 15 by the end of the month.  Just a right number for a profound self-exploration that will teach you how to be conscious.

We're currently busy with all the preparations and I'm excited to have this one-of-a-kind program that will teach you to live life the easiest way, in the state of total SURRENDER.

Life is only hard when you're actively resisting it and resistance comes from the ignorance of how things come to be, from the state of being unconscious. Resistance comes from a dreaming mind, from a splintered personality, a split mind, from not realizing our dark sides.

Resistance comes from not being well-rounded and centered. I will teach you REAL knowledge that springs from your innermost core, not borrowed one you have accumulated all your life. You will practice the shedding of all your accumulation and be a blank slate every breath you take to come to your natural self.

Your natural self is the state of being without any conflict and resistance, it's the optimum state that vibrates from the highest frequency of love, compassion and self-acceptance. The path to wholeness is the path to holiness. Wholeness and holiness are one and the same.

Sign up today and you have till Monday 8 am PT for the discounted price!  It'll go up by $200-400 starting TOMORROW. I expect the maximum of 20 (more likely 15) people so you will get to work really closely with me 16 hours straight.

If you want serious results ending in engagement, marriage and babies, you can't seek help from a better person with a consistently proven track record.

I will introduce aqua meditation during the retreat on top of walking, lying down and sitting meditation. There are so many ways to just be and we'll explore everything. Bring your swimsuit, ladies.

So you will learn about the expansion of consciousness in this retreat so you can live stress and anxiety-free life like I do and magnetize any man who finds you attractive in the process.

What are the signs of cosmic consciousness?

He are eleven clear signs of Cosmic Consciousness:

1. You have much fewer lingering I-thoughts. If you are aware you will notice some sort of tension and resistance when you are lost in thoughts about I-me-mine. That is the very definition of the ego. Ego is none other than movement of the mind that runs toward object of obsession/desire (clinging, grasping) and resist pain (aversion). When you're totally in the moment you are not in the I-thought mode. There is no I in total attention of and merge with the moment. Remember, I think therefore I am. No thought, no "I."

2. The dropping away of fear as the self is dropping away. You don't have the anxiety and fear most people have anymore: fear of the unknown, fear of some imagined future event, fear of not being good enough, fear of failing, etc. The self lives in psychological time. You no longer live in the psychological time of the past and the future. Psychological time leads to fear and sorrow.

3. You don't cling and dwell on any particular thought anymore. Nothing has the same meaning anymore. A lot of times you just don't want to think. If you do think it comes and goes without leaving any mark behind. You're like a teflon, nothing sticks anymore. You're light as a feather.

4. You feel rather than think more. When thinking is put in its right place, it's no longer domineering your inner realm. As thinking recedes, feeling arises. You feel directly without the influence of thoughts. Thanks to that you have an acute intuition. The paradox is....

5. Your emotions are mostly flat. You no longer have the ups and downs of feelings most people have day to day. You feel awed, amazed, touched, moved, compassionate, grateful and tranquil much more often than the opposites. Your default emotion is serenity (calm and joy).​​​​​​​
6. You have slowed down your mental process so much you can muster a conscious decision, more often than not, to continue on a passage of thought or abort it knowing first hand the nature of the thought (either willy-nilly futile thinking or creative thinking). You are able to do it cause there is a gap between you and your thoughts. When you realize it is an interesting creative thought process you allow your mind to probe and explore as if you weren't even involved in it. In the old days, this is how prophets got their revelations. This is how I transmit my insights to you all week to week with my classes. You become a deliberate thinker. You only think (which means continuing on a thought process) when you need and choose to like when you need to solve problems. You become a sole master of your inner world. You are king to your mind, not slave to it. You are a powerful creator of your dream and reality. You are the Seer cause your divine intelligence is activated when mundane thoughts recede to the background.

7. You are rarely triggered. You become much less neurotic. Being triggered is a sign of denying a certain part of ourselves because it's so painful or shameful and as a defense mechanism we project that suppressed unclaimed part of us (our shadow) onto the person who triggers us. Being triggered, thus, is a sign of being unconscious.

8. You are rarely stressed and never depressed. You can see what most people aren't privileged to see. With that holistic understanding of the world and human nature you vibrate from a much higher frequency than most people. You are the sort of person people come to seek counsel because your vantage point is so all-encompassing.

9. You don't judge yourself, hence your lightness of being is a magnet to people and in turn it's allowing others to alleviate their self-judgment and -in turn- their judgment of others. You like yourself, hence it's easy for you to like others. Judgment is when we assess a situation not coming from a place of acceptance but a belief that our way is the only way and we need to change others. That means you have that unclaimed side of you. Each time something evokes an emotional reaction in you, it's an indication that you are fighting your shadow. Hence, you can see that self-judgment goes hand in hand with judgment of others. Self-acceptance goes hand in hand with acceptance of others.

10. The end of becoming. You are no longer enslaved by impulses, drive, ambition and desire to become somebody that to most people are why they are anxious and unhappy. You are fluid moment to moment not being ruled by an idea of a certain ideal self either now or in the future and you surrender to the flow of life with a mind filled with contentment and curiosity.

11. The end of sorrow. The end of grasping and resistance is the end of sorrow. The sorrow-free mind is a instrument of life. It surrenders to the flow of life.

"Great seers have always told us to acquire experience. They have said that experience gives us understanding. But it is only the innocent mind, the mind unclouded by experience, totally free from the past; it is only such a mind that can perceive what is reality. If you see the truth of that, if you perceive it for a split second, you will know the extraordinary clarity of a mind that is innocent. This means the falling away of all the encrustations of memory, which is the discarding of the past. But to perceive it, there can be no question of 'how.' Your mind must not be distracted by the 'how', by the desire for an answer. Such a mind is not an attentive mind. As I said earlier in this talk, in the beginning is the end. In the beginning is the seed of the ending of that which we call sorrow. The ending of sorrow is realized in sorrow itself, not away from sorrow. To move away from sorrow is merely to find an answer, a conclusion, an escape; but sorrow continues. Whereas, if you give it your complete attention, which is to be attentive with your whole being, then you will see that there is an immediate perception in which no time is involved, in which there is no effort, no conflict; and it is this immediate perception, this choiceless awareness that puts an end to sorrow." ~Krishnamurti
Whether you are single, dating or in relationship, happily or unhappily married, jobless, in a dead-end or a thriving career, you will get to learn new things in the retreat that you can bring home with you and add value into your life.

Whatever your relationship status, this retreat will give the greatest insights on how to improve or save it. And you will also learn how to become more fulfilled in every aspect of life: your career, your business, your relationships with everyone that matters in your life.

Remember, the price will go up by $200 tomorrow at 8 am PT!  Sign up today and listen to the over $500 worth of programs as bonuses. 

This is a one-of-a-kind event that will change your life forever.  Sign up here:

Bring a friend or two and talk to me about it so I can credit you with $200/friend toward your future products with me.  You might want to use it for the coaching certification and online business program or the retreat next year because I'm sure you want to keep coming back if just to simply recharge.

I now also open one of my FB groups for newbies like you for free in which you can familiarize yourself with every magic solution I teach for every problem you have in both life and relationship.  Add yourself here:

Katarina Phang's High Value Goddess Community

Just by following me on either of these forums your life -every aspect of your life- will change for the better.


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