The Seven Principles That Put Him Under Your Spell

Published: Thu, 08/03/17

The Seven Principles That Put Him Under Your Spell
Hi , 

How have you been?  Each time you get an email from me you get new FREE content.  Creating values in people's lives is my credo and you can learn so much from this mindset.  It definitely has helped me a great deal creating the life I'm currently living.

The last live video I did was last week and I talked about being unconscious.  Maybe you'll be shocked when I tell you that the vast majority of people sleepwalk through life.

Yes really.  The vast majority of people are unconscious.  Probably only 5% of world population is awake.  Do you belong to that 5%?  Or are you unconscious?  How do you know if you're unconscious?  Listen to this enlightening class here.

Follow me on FB  or like my page to be in the loop for future free classes in which I will address every question you might have and you can attend live.

And as if these weren't enough, I now also open one of my FB groups for newbies like you for free in which you can familiarize yourself with every magic solution I teach for every problem you have in both life and relationship.  Add yourself here:

Katarina Phang's High Value Goddess Community

Just by following me on either of these forums your life -every aspect of your life- will change for the better.

We have also started the brand new program Module 5 Salvation Through Relationship and we're going to have the second class next weekend.  Sign up here and reply to this email if you need a plan, and you can listen to the replay of the first class in which I address the meaning of the word salvation.  This program is like the sequel of Journey Inward.  You will learn the nitty gritty of self-investigation while having your partner (or the men you date) hold the mirror in your face.

Today I want to talk about the seven principles of putting a man under your spell.  The five is free and if you want to learn the ultimate next two principles you can sign up for the monthly membership because the next class will be exactly about this hot topic that will change your vibration with your EUM or the men you adore.

Being mesmerizing isn’t about how you look.  It’s about the energy you radiate.  People respond to your energy.  And your energy is defined on what you hold in your mind.

If you always think in terms of how you fare compared to others, you will always find and feel lack within yourself and the energy you radiate will be self-doubts, insecurities and the chronic feeling of not being good enough.

And you will start projecting those things onto others seeking validation from externalities.  And your energy will be desperate, restless and needy.

You can be a 10 in the look department but people, especially men, will have a hard time connecting with you.

On the other hand, when you feel secure within yourself, you will project self-confidence and self-assuredness and the energy you radiate will be joy, groundedness, understanding and tolerance because whatever people say or do you know it’s not about you.  It’s a reflection of themselves.

You don’t need other people’s approval to be okay with yourself.  If some people don’t like you, you will just remove yourself from them.  You’re gravitated toward and attract people of the same level of vibrations as yours.

That’s the very basic of being mesmerizing: self-love.

Now to be mesmerizing to a man in a romantic context, there are five principles to abide here:

1. Stop getting ahead in your thinking.  Most women start getting ahead of themselves the minute they find a guy attractive.  They start fantasizing and clinging to an idea and expectations of him and the relationship with him instead of going with the flow and observing how he measures up and adjust accordingly.  This is a fatal mistake thousands of women who eventually find me make. They cling to the fantasy and idea of the guys that later becomes so hard to undo.

2.  Focus on your own happiness.  The minute a woman is hooked on a guy, she begins to revolve around him and forget to nurture herself.  She tries too hard to please him thinking by doing it she will become indispensable.  Wrong.  The more she does it, the more she invests emotionally and the more she expects reciprocation.  Their energy becomes pushy, anxious and smothering.  The entitlement pushes him away.

3.  Stop waiting around for him.  The more you are hooked on a guy, the more you have to spread your psychic energy or you’ll become a hot mess.  Fill your life with activities and interests that aren’t related to him.  And don’t stop talking and meeting new guys or seeing the guys you have been seeing casually.  Keep a solid rotation.

4. Stop treating a man as your priority when you’re only an option.  Many women insist on being a girlfriend to a guy who hasn’t claimed them so they shut down options and start expecting girlfriend treatments when clearly he’s not all the way in yet.  The pressure doesn’t help him fall for her so the cycle of neediness and him pulling away eventually leads to unrequited love.  Instead you have to mirror his interest and level of investment at all time.  You need to always be on the same page as he is.

5.  Reward his good behaviors, stand up for your deal breakers.  Most women focus on punishing bad behaviors by fixing, bringing the talk, nagging, confronting and telling him what to do.  You rarely get what you want with a guy with words.  The language a guy understands is rewards, actions and distance.  So instead of focusing on things he doesn’t do, thank him for the stuff he does that makes you happy no matter how miniscule or insignificant it is.  That’s how he will want to do more of the things that make you happy because he loves making you happy and men are hooked on a woman who is easy to please.  If what he does is something that is a deal breaker to you then you can stand up for that but you need to know the difference between deal breakers and expectations so you know how to pick your battles.
If you stick to these principles you are officially a high-value-woman that men seek for commitment and can’t afford to lose.

There are two other most important principles to make a man absolutely mesmerized by you and I will reveal them in the upcoming class of the monthly membership, so sign up here:

One of the two is on how to handle triggers and hurt feelings and if you are always in the loop of roller-coaster of emotions that make you appear imbalanced and in the process you end up pushing him away, you really can't miss this class.

You can cancel anytime and if you commit to two months membership you can get $10 off for all the fabulous previous classes.

And if you are so addicted to my classes, I invite you to come to my retreat on Sept 1-4 and I will delve into the "how to" even deeper on these principles.  I will also wine and dine you.  Imagine that!

We have had 10 ladies registering so it will be a small intimate group of people who will explore the possibilities of WAKING UP and being CONSCIOUS.  When you stop sleepwalking in your life, your relationship will automatically goes without saying.

So what are you waiting for?  Learn the art of being and surrender that will change your life forever.

Yup, come to my celestial home and learn everything I ever taught in this intimate, relaxing retreat set in an idyllic setting of Southern California (you're going to fly in to San Diego).

Learn my inner process so you can unleash your own inner genius, whatever that is.  If you don't know what you want to do in life, this retreat might give you the breakthrough you need.

You will learn on how to be PRODUCTIVE and CREATIVE without feeling like work.  

So turn those calories you burn through incessant obsessive thinking into creative genius.  And if you are a coach already (of any kind) this retreat will give you the empowerment and insights you need to bring your business to the next level of success.

Life is effortless when you become your natural self.  Being enlightened is simply just being natural, nothing else.  It's about being one with the rhythm of life and the lack of separation and conflict is why you become a powerful human being.  Revel in your own ordinariness and you'll become one of the most extraordinary human beings that ever walk on earth.

All these principles will also be the reason of your success in life and I will share with you all in our very first retreat.

Whether you are single, dating or in relationship, happily or unhappily married, jobless, in a dead-end or a thriving career, you will get to learn new things in the retreat that you can bring home with you and add value into your life.

Whatever your relationship status, this retreat will give the greatest insights on how to improve or save it. And you will also learn how to become more fulfilled in every aspect of life: your career, your business, your relationships with everyone that matters in your life.

The bonus offer has expired but if you mention it I might consider to give it to you.  But to get the current prices you have only after the end of the week because next week prices will go up by $200.

This is a one-of-a-kind event that will change your life forever.  Sign up here:

Bring a friend or two and talk to me about it so I can credit you with $200/friend toward your future products with me.  You might want to use it for the coaching certification and online business program or the retreat next year because I'm sure you want to keep coming back if just to simply recharge.


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