Are You Ready For The Summer of Transformation And Have Him Propose As You Shift Your Energy?

Published: Mon, 08/14/17

Are You Ready For The Summer of Transformation And Have Him Propose As You Shift Your Energy?
Hi ,
Please subscribe to my youtube channel for all the free classes I have conducted and please like or share them if you find them resonating with you.

Another month to go and we'll be at the end of the summer.  What have you been doing this summer other than enjoying the warm weather?  Maybe you can make it more unforgettable when you go into fall having experienced a rebirth?

So join the 14 of us in the upcoming retreat Sept 1- 4.  We have 6 more seats left, 3 with $200 discounts of the published rate and over $500 in bonuses.

Why is this retreat going to be the most profound transformational experience you will ever have in your life?  Because it will wake you up to who you really are...or at least it will enable you to entertain possibilities of a new dimension of reality.

Suffering is the result of not being whole. A whole person doesn't emotionally suffer anymore. So the purpose of inner work is to re-integrate the broken pieces of your self. What are those broken pieces made of and maintained by? Thoughts. The day you know what a thought is your life will drastically change. This is huge. This is worth so much more than all the self-help books you have read and will ever read. This is a rare skill the vast majority of people don't possess. This skill leads to freedom (self-realization and self-actualization) and self-actualized life.

Yes most of you don't even know what a thought is because you are made of thoughts.  Like fish can't see water around it, most of you can't see that you and thoughts are one.  You are too deep and lost in the identification with thoughts you can't separate yourself from them so they hold a grip onto your life.

And this is why you are where you are in life, romantically or otherwise.

A new dimension of reality is entered when you see the mechanics of thoughts. You can switch the thinking mode on and off at will from now on and you're the sole master of the mind. Because you're a deliberate thinker you only use the mind for one purpose and purpose only: to seek solutions to real problems instead of seeking problems (and most problems are not real problems because the mind creates them in the first place). No energy spent on useless thinking and you readily empty the content of your consciousness moment to moment.

You carry no more baggage. Whatever you do becomes an effortless and spontaneous state of affairs that leaves no trace in your consciousness (either hardship or trauma) because there is no sense of separation between the inside and the outside. You are one with everything that is every breath you take. Your mind is always fresh and innocent. In the content and tranquil mind resides the immense power of creativity and divine intelligence.

Whatever it is you’re resisting and struggling with tells you something of your denied self, about the part of you you haven’t fully accepted and embraced and you’re dependent on other people’s opinions and view of what it is for you while at the same time resenting it. The entire time you’re fighting your own perception of other people’s perception of your self-image. You see how dysfunctional that is? Suffice it to say your biggest problem in life is internal struggle. That’s what neuroses are all about.

If you are in a rocky relationship it can only mean one thing: there is an unhealed part of you and it will keep repeating itself till it's healed. A rocky relationship is when one unconscious partner behaves and reacts unconsciously that triggers the unconscious part of his/her partner and the cycle of unconsciousness continues till it's broken. Awareness is what it takes to break the curse. It is true with our relationship in the romantic context, it also true for our relationships in the societal context as an individual or group of people.

Why are you struggle internally?  Because you believe you're in control.  This retreat will bring you into the new territory of total surrender.  By letting go of the illusion of control your neuroses will cease to exist.  And you will understand why and how through the practices we will intensely do.  So sign up and turn your life upside down in every way possible:

Katarina Phang's 2017 Feminine Magnetism Retreat

I will introduce aqua meditation during the retreat on top of walking, lying down and sitting meditation. There are so many ways to just be and we'll explore everything. Bring your swimsuit, ladies.

So you will learn about the expansion of consciousness in this retreat so you can live stress and anxiety-free life like I do and magnetize any man who finds you attractive in the process.

So if you want serious results leading to engagement, marriage, babies you can't afford to miss this event!


PS:  Related to this wholeness, our 2nd class of the latest Module 5 Salvation Through Relationship will be this coming Saturday, August 19.  You will learn so much about healing your denied selves and re-integrate them with your partner as a catalyst and vice versa.  Sign up here:

Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching