Don't Miss My FB Live Video Class Today

Published: Sat, 08/26/17

Don't Miss My FB Live Video Class Today
Hi ,
Please subscribe to my youtube channel for all the free classes I have conducted and please like or share them if you find them resonating with you.

And add or follow me on FB so you'll get posted when I go live today at around 4 pm PT. 

As always, when I come back here there are always engagements to announce.  And this week we have 2 ladies: Alexandra and Anita.  They're engagement number 26 and 27!!

Anita wrote a very heartfelt email just the other day:

"I've been drafting this email for about ten days now wanting to share that I've gotten engaged.

I've not been able to complete the draft until today mostly because I realize that I want to make sure that whatever I write provides those who read it with the hope I once felt the first time I came across your site and your articles.

‎I found you in March 2016. I read and re-read every article and post on your website. I took the plunge and bought your book and while I didn't follow through with the skype coaching that came with the book purchase - I did send you a couple emails asking for your input and you were succint and to the point while being compassionate. 

I would lay in bed at night with my eyes glued to my iphone trying to absorb everything. 

But one day in June of 2016 I woke up with this unstoppable desire to get out of town and there was this fire inside me that was about to burst out. I could hear the voice in my head screaming and shouting that this can't be all there is. I was about to turn 39 only one year away from 40 and the one thing I wanted the most was so far out of my reach - I might as well have been on Mars. So I got into the car and drove to a seaside town and checked in to a hotel and sat staring at the sea with tears on my face and me lamenting the love I would never have and the children I'd never meet. 

I had spent about 12  years trying to get over an assault and being dumped six days before my wedding in my early twenties and I was no closer to letting go of that pain than I would have been had twenty years passed since then. 

I knew something was wrong and I'd tried everything I knew to fix it. But nothing worked. I didn't have a problem attracting men. I am a pretty girl. I've gone out on dates with ceos, lawyers, bankers and economists. They all fizzled after the second date. 

I went to therapy. Did not work. 

I'm a fairly successful business owner as well in an industry that puts me in front of senior executives and I managed to build my business without having a second thought about if I could or couldn't. 

But men? I could not figure them out. I had no idea what to do. 

I was the problem. I knew this. I would say this to my friends and my family and they would all say no its the men. 

So there I was staring at the sea and crying. I had access to one of your recordings and so I loaded it up on my laptop and I forced myself to sit down and listen. 

I can't remember which one it was. It doesn't matter. Something finally clicked. I got up and for the first time in years I felt free. I said to myself if this is how it's going to be then I accept. I can be happy with this. I can be happy. It's my choice. I accept it all. No man. Ok. No children. Ok. This is my situation today. I am ok with it today. I will be ok with it tomorrow. I forgive myself. Whatever it is that is wrong with me. I forgive it. I am ok and I can be happy.

Everything changed within three hours. 

I am not lying. I am not exaggerating. ‎I am not adding any embellishments. 

My significant other asked me out. Two days later we had the best first date. A second, third and fourth best date followed. In fact all of our dates have been the best dates. 

Here's the funny part. I'd met him in 2013 at a conference and thought gosh he's kind of cute. 

He'd gone back and said to a colleague that girl has pretty eyes. I feel like they see through me. I didn't know he'd said that at the time.

We all went for a bite and drink afterwards and ‎he chatted with me for all of two‎ minutes before running out of there. 

I was dejected. ‎I flew home wondering how I'd managed to screw that up. 

A year later his company hired me as a consultant. We worked briefly together and I found out he was separated. And I thought well that explains it. 

I'd moved on. My interactions with him were brief always. Not intended that way but that's how it was. 

A year later ‎he asked me out. 

From day one - a combination of the acceptance I'd developed for and of myself and your teachings have been a welcome change.

We have had a few issues but I've always dealt with them with maturity.

I don't get mad or offended or rigid anymore about anything. If I don't feel love and respect wherever I am - I just get up and leave and go where the love is and sometimes that love is in myself. I apply that to every area in my life. 

I have never once called him first. I treat every day as a new day with him with something new and wonderful to discover. 

He always calls and texts and makes sure I'm ok even though I am. He always wants to make me happy even though I am. ‎Anything I need he knows it without me saying it. 

We have had one argument. Not fight. Argument. Conducted with kindness and appreciation for the relationship. 

What you teach is not a method or strategy. It is wellness in the heart and mind. It is acceptance. It is the art of receiving. The feminine. 

There really is no secret. It's you being right with yourself. 

‎Oh and if there is one thing that you really ought to drive home - it's this - talking about feelings is over-rated. 

Talking in general is over-rated. Lean back. A man will always fill the silence if he wants you with talk of his feelings and his needs and how he can fulfil yours. 

14 months after our first date - he proposed in his pyjama shorts on the terrace at his house. I'm engaged to my best friend. I've got what I've always wanted. 

‎Thank you."

So congratulations to both ladies.

Next week on Saturday we'll start our Feminine Magnetism retreat.  I can't wait for this every first retreat and we have 4 more seats left, 1 with $200 discounts of the published rate and over $500 in bonuses.  So this is the last push for you who are still not sure:

Why is this retreat going to be the most profound transformational experience you will ever have in your life?  Because it will wake you up to who you really are...or at least it will enable you to entertain possibilities of a new dimension of reality.

What does awareness do and why is it everything? With more awareness you'll be more flexible and less reactive. You will thus be happier and more at peace with yourself and the world. You will see more sameness between you and others and when you see differences you will understand that those are caused by conditioning and stages of development of each individual instead of seeing it from the us vs. them polarity so common these days that causes more division and discord.

This is the beginning of 2nd tier thinking which is a monumental leap from first tier thinking (see chart below).

First tier thinking (from beige archaic to green post-modern) is obsolete as post modernism has proven to be severely inadequate to be the leading edge of evolution and to provide solutions to the problems of our very complex world.

As population of teal (integral) is approaching 10% in the West we are now transitioning to a much more functional 2nd tier paradigm leaving behind the post-modern world with all its excess and pathologies as the mainstream culture. It only takes 10% of the population for the tipping point to take place.

Main characteristics of 2nd tier paradigm are systemic, the merge between head and heart, autonomy, less dualistic, understanding and acceptance of natural hierarchy, holistic, multiple perspectives, more inclusivity, tolerance and other word: MORE AWARENESS, MORE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS, MORE FUNCTIONALITY.

It's been around the last 30 years.

This is what our world needs today.  

You might wonder what does this have to do with men and relationship? Everything. When you are more aware you will be much more functional in every aspect of life, including and especially in relationships. This is why what I teach isn't gimmicks. If you understand me every aspect of your life will change for the better.

Every. Aspect.

That's why I tirelessly talk about expansion of consciousness. I'm ushering you to 2nd tier thinking.

This is the main focus of the retreat. So if profound transformation is what you're after, this retreat is your answer. There is only one seat left for the $200 discount and then the full prices will be on (you will still get the over $500 in bonus programs that I may not offer again in the future.

Sign up here, take that monumental leap and be reborn:

I will introduce aqua meditation during the retreat on top of walking, lying down and sitting meditation. There are so many ways to just be and we'll explore everything. Bring your swimsuit, ladies.

So you will learn about the expansion of consciousness in this retreat so you can live stress and anxiety-free life like I do and magnetize any man who finds you attractive in the process.

So if you want serious results leading to engagement, marriage, babies you can't afford to miss this event!


PS:  Related to this wholeness, our 3rd and last class of the latest Module 5 Salvation Through Relationship will be on Saturday, September 8.  You will learn so much about healing your denied selves and re-integrate them with your partner as a catalyst and vice versa.  Sign up here:

Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching