How To Be A Mesmerizing Enchantress With Emotional Intelligence

Published: Sun, 10/08/17

How To Be A Mesmerizing Enchantress With Emotional Intelligence

Hi , 

Recently I received a breakthrough email from Natalie: "Hi Kat,

Thank you for the amazing work you do and the life changing experience that you give which allows others to undergo a phenomenal journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation. What you've dedicated your life to is truly incredible.

Kat, I would really like to get your advice on this.

I have always been a charmer for as long as I can remember: very charismatic, vibrant, enthusiastic, very loud and always appearing VERY confident. I knew how to "woooo" my audience and was able to win the hearts over of men and woman, younger people and older, children and elderly. I knew how to make people really like/love me. (I now see how this was a behavior my ego developed to give me what I wanted). I also have been described by friends and family as a very attractive woman... so if you can imagine, I got a lot of attention. My ex's use to describe me as a "source of light" and another as a "vibrant energy" that made me extremely attractive and "stand out from other woman." I rarely was jealous of another woman

However...most of my teenage and early adulthood years where ridden with anxiety and mood swings. When I was high, I felt like I was on cloud number 9 and when I was low, I felt like I was dying. I use to think of myself as most of the time an extremely happy person but when I would ask my mum what her thoughts were, she would say that for most of my teenage and early adulthood years, I have been very unstable and she would never know what new mood I would be on any given day. Life was challenging but I just accepted that this was my personality....and then I met you.

I did your programs and boy oh boy, did I get a wake up call. When I did your Journey Inward first- I felt like my whole world came crashing down (in all honesty). I felt like my whole identity as I knew it was a lie- an illusion. I couldn't believe that I was not my ego, that I am really just the observer.

Your program and this awareness has given me freedom. Never have I felt so free. But at the same time I am quite scared.

Since completing your program, I'm struggling with my confidence with guys. I feel like I am no longer as attractive to guys as I once was. Or as attractive to others as I once was. I no longer have this great desire to please men, to please everyone, to make everyone fall in love with me as I once use too. Its really funny because I have a friend who is absolutely gorgeous and is exactly what I use to be like- a charmer, people pleaser, extremely flirtatious- able to win any guys heart to win anyone's heart over for that matter!! But when I watch her, I think to myself---oh my god, I cant believe I used to be like that!!

How annoying was I, how much effort and energy did I put in, just to make myself feel good about myself, by trying to win over other people admiration. Now I have no desire to even try anymore. But Kat, when I am with her, all the guys flock to her and barely any guys ask me a question or even look my way. I feel like I not only lost the person who I use to be, I lost the magnetism and pull that I use to naturally have that drew people to me.

I'm really scared that I will no longer be desired or loved the way I am now as a passive, non reactive observer. I feel like I lost my mojo, my humor, my passion, my life energy and also feel like I lost the ability to experience extreme joy like I use too. I just feel very neutral all the time. I learnt that being a neutral observer is actually quite a masculine quality, not a feminine one. How does being like that draw a masculine man?

I cant recognize myself. When I'm sitting in the car driving and I'm watching my crazy monkey mind in a non reactive way and Im just watching surrendering, i honestly feel like I am sitting in a completely different person's shoes---like I swapped bodies and shoes with somebody else.

I am happy but I am scared that I've lost the qualities that use to make me stand out from the rest and that attracted so many men in the past. I love how I have changed but my ego is scared that I will not be loved anymore by a man in this new me.

I would love to hear your advice on this. Please help."

I responded to this on my recent live video: What Is Awakening?  What Happens to The Ego After Awakening?

Please like this video and my other videos if they resonate to help spread the message.  I always appreciate any help you can give because that's how I become so successful in the business: by generously helping you.

You won't get this kind of free insights anywhere else, so follow me on FB or like my FB page so you would be in the loop for the next live video. 

You can also add yourself to my fabulous closed FB group: Katarina Phang's High-Value Goddess Community.

Next coming Saturday or Sunday, I'm going to hold a class that is part of the monthly membership that might be just your need: "Why You Are Friendzoned and How To Get Out of The Friend Zone."

A lot of you without realizing it depolarize yourself from a guy you adore by trying too hard to be the most marvelous girlfriend.

Then when you don't get the response you want, you begin to act like a man with boobs that dampens his interest even more.

So if you identify with this pattern of behaviors, you need this class.  It's only $77/month and this the cheapest way to work with me one on one by attending it live.  So sign up here:

Feminine Goddess Enlightened Relationship

This was the exact situation my client Bethany put herself in till she found me in the late 2015.  Now she's engaged to her man and she can't be happier!

She's engagement #28 this year.  My results are amazingly consistent day in day out, year in year out.

Last but not least, please come to my NYE events and celebrate the new Dawn as a NEW PERSON.  

Heather said this about the summer retreat: “Had such a wonderful time at the retreat this weekend. Learned so much, met lots of new friends, ate the best food, and felt so relaxed. It was better and more fun than a 5-star resort!  I learned throughout the weekend to be more feminine, relaxed, to slow down, surrender to what is and allow things to unfold naturally as well as to be vulnerable and authentic.  All I know right now is I’m very very very very relaxed and happy and in my feminine energy after being around all of you beautiful women all weekend. Highly recommended.”

The excited and exciting feedback makes us want to do it again sooner than Spring 2018 (and with a longer option since there is so much to share) so hear this out: yes our 2nd retreat will be on NYE with 4 options to choose from and it's EARLY BIRD SPECIALS so you save $400:

1. Dec 28 -Jan 1, 3.5 days

2. Dec 29 -Jan 1, 2.5 days

3. Dec 31, 1-day Workshop on leaning back and cultivating feminine mystique in both dating and relationship, including NYE party value at $250 (Incredible Value!).  Please come to just this one day event alone if you can't come to the retreat cause it will surely change the dynamics of your relationship/dating situations.

4. NYE party ONLY (starting at 6 pm with welcome champagne and O’doeuvres)

It will be a the greatest thing that happens to you this year and you'll be so charged up to welcome the new dawn of 2018.

A new brain.  New energy.  New vibrations.  New spirit.

Respond to this email if you need a plan or need to talk to me if this retreat is right for you.
Whatever your relationship status, this retreat will give the greatest insights on how to improve or save it. And you will also learn how to become more fulfilled in every aspect of life: your career, your business, your relationships with everyone that matters in your life.

And you don't want to miss this:  Get a bonus of my Leaning Back and Cultivating Feminine Mystique meditations with 3 (Yes THREE) bonus classes upon signing up (value at: $127) and one or two hour video recording of the retreat and 30% discount of the entire recording of the program so you can revisit what you have learnt. Get $400 off for the first 10 people of the retreat.

And I won't even stop there, if you mention that you're a subscriber of this newsletter, you will get additional bonus you can choose from the three listed below:
1.  Cycle 1 Leaning Back workshop (value: $259)

All these over $500 bonuses are yours for the first 10 people!!!  So HURRY.

This is a one-of-a-kind event that will change your life forever.  Sign up here:

Bring a friend or two and talk to me about it so I can credit you with $200/friend toward your future new programs with me.  You might want to use it for the coaching certification and online business program or the retreat next year because I'm sure you want to keep coming back if just to simply recharge.


PS: We have just finished the last Module5 Salvation Through Relationship, and I'm going to add a bonus class: "How Physical Closeness Brings About Emotional Closeness" which is in a way kinda contradictory from the latest class: "Let The Chips Fall Where They May."   I'll talk about this on the next email but if you want to attend this bonus class live sign up for Module 5 of Feminine Magnetism.   You can't miss this ultimate program if you want to learn the ins and outs of my deep teachings. 

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By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. It is only to be used for personal entertainment purposes. You are solely responsible for the use of any of the content and hold Katarina Phang International, LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. All emails sent to Katarina Phang become the exclusive property of Katarina Phang International, LLC. If you are under the age of 18, please go to the link at the end of this newsletter and unsubscribe yourself.
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