Why When You Care Less He'll Care More

Published: Wed, 12/20/17

Why When You Care Less He'll Care More
Hi , 

Izzy said this in the group (you can add yourself to be included and see yourself grow exponentially) in response to a post: "I no longer worry about if a guy is "into me" or not. I just lean back and enjoy being pursued, spoiled, and pampered. The motivation behind a man's actions aren't important to me anymore. When no guy is around, I spoil and pamper myself. If there is uncertainty or confusion, I mentally divest. I place a priority on feeling good since I'm the most important person in my life :). I've been exactly where you are, and Katarina's teachings are so liberating!  Read all of her blog posts, watch the videos she posts on here, and invest in the book asap. This will help you build a solid foundation. In the meantime, relax and go do something nice for yourself!" 

She gets it! That very outlook is the core of my teachings.

When a man or a relationship/situasionship is confusing to you it's because you are the one down (the one more interested in relationship). When you are confused it's a sign that you are over invested. It's a sign that you need a bigger rotation. It's a sign you're not hearing me out. 

It's quite a transformation for her because just over a month ago she found me and posted:  "I'm a hot mess but that's slowly changing thanks to Kat! It is one thing to take in Kat's teachings, but the true growth happens in the practice.

I met a guy online a few weeks ago. Last weekend he drove 3 hours to meet me and we had an amazing time. We texted a bit that evening and then the communication dropped off. This is when the neurosis set in.

I created every type of scenario in my mind as to why he disappeared. I know it is crazy to expect daily texts/calls with a guy you just met, but when you operate from a place of fear and anxiety you become needy-- especially when you add in distance.

I figured he'd lost interest and though I fretted a bit (I've been single for 5 years and this was my first date since January), I refused to initiate contact. I detached and continued on with life as normal-- mainly working on an exciting work project and planning my holiday trip.

I also re-listened to my audios (How To Be High Value And Easy To Lose, The Path of Least Resistance, Boundless Vessel, and You Are The Creator of your Reality) along with re-reading the book and listening to those bonus audios.

Well, he called early this morning. I didn't expect that at all! Because I had already detached, the conversation was fun and flirty. He wanted to possibly see me this weekend but since I already made plans, he suggested we take a day trip next weekend so he's doing some research and sending over a list of ideas.

I feel like such a fool now, but I guess this is what they call "the practice". I'm so used to things being hot, heavy, and fast-paced in the beginning-- but where has that gotten me?

In the past with men I'd have long phone conversations daily and within weeks I'd be smitten and then things would start to fizzle out. I still don't know this guy's intentions, and I will continue to be a detached observer, but he's actually showing interest through actions instead of through lots of seductive words and extended conversations early on.

Perhaps this is what mature dating feels like? I'm just glad I got to keep my dignity, and even though I was a hot mess behind the scenes, he didn't know it! Leaning back has quickly revealed to me areas where there is some room for personal growth. In any case, I'm up for the challenge!"

Focus on yourself and filling up your emotional tank and your upbeat energy will inspire the man (men) in your life to do the same to add to your happiness because truth be told nothing is more enticing to a man than a woman's joy and happiness. Men are gravitated to happy women and even when they drift away at times they'll always be drawn back to them.

And this is why my advice ALWAYS works.  ALWAYS.  Because everything boils down to you and you alone.  Doesn't matter if he's like this, or like that.  If you know yourself and you know how to handle yourself, nobody can hurt you.  You are only hurt because you are in the state of being unconscious. 

And you are unconscious because the mind keep distorting reality with its dreaminess.  Once the mind stops being front and center you are aware of the mind movement at all time.

You are above the mind.  It can no longer dupe and enslave you.

So if you are going through such a hard time in your relationship with men, it's because your dreaming mind keeps distorting what you see.  What you see is dependent on the glasses you're wearing.

Do you get what I'm saying?  My teachings are hard to follow at first but once you get it you will never look at the world the same way again.

Are you ready for a real transformation that will change your world upside down?  Truly, the world out there is a mere reflection of the world in here (inside of you).  Many of my students have seen it for themselves.

Sign up for my ultimate program especially Module 1 Journey Inward that will teach you how to be that special woman, and most importantly to be that most functional human being.  An emotionally healthy human being who operates from their Genius Zone instead of Neuroses Zone.

It's time to turn your love life from failure after failure to a success story like I see every day in my growing community. Take $200 off as part of the holiday specials for the entire program (and $50-60 OFF per module) with the coupon code: 200OFF. Offers are valid till Jan 2, 2018.

And most of my other programs and classes are included also in the Holiday Specials, including the ebook!  Take $15 off for the packages with email/Skype coaching and turn your love life in the new year.  Whatever your situation is my Method will fix it!  It's the last resort because it always works and it zeroes in the crux of the matter: your unhealed wounds/neuroses.

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