Why Dumping Him Is Unnecessary If You Are Doing The Right Thing?

Published: Tue, 12/12/17

Why Dumping Him Is Unnecessary If You Are Doing The Right Thing?
Hi , 

I just got back from Tokyo which I visited with my parents almost 2 weeks ago.  I take my parents traveling around the globe every few months because traveling is one of my passions and they are still healthy enough to do so as they're entering their 70's so I take advantage of it as much as I can.

I conducted a class on why marriage isn't the be all end all while I was there.  Please like, share or comment it if it resonates with you.

From Bali to Tokyo, in between we have had 2 more engagements and one wedding, at least (have you watched my Bali live video on Genius Zone?).  This year we've had 38 reported engagements!

Now, let's talk about a mistake many of you do.  A lot of women came to me because in the heat of the moment they impulsively broke up with their EUM only to find themselves miss and pine for him days later.

Breaking up with a guy you obviously are head over heels in love with because your feelings are hurt only makes you deeper in your one-down position; i.e a position in which you are way more invested than him.

Natasha is one of them, lucky though for her, she found me just in time and quickly reversed the situation by investing in my ebook and the powerful How To Be High Value And Easy To Lose Class.

On November 13, she first posted in the group (you can add yourself here) as she just dumped her EUM over the weekend:  "First post on here and so happy to have this community as support. I just got the book last week, and I already feel really empowered by it, so THANK YOU!

I've been with my EUM for almost 5 months, and in this time we have seen each other once or twice a week, go out on dates that he plans, have cooked together and enjoyed a live music show, recently, he has been doing the rubber-band effect thing and just goes radio silent for a few days and I've been leaning back and not really contacting him first, getting to a point tho where I won't hear from him for 4-5 days at a time.

Throughout our "situationship" he's always dangled the carrot of taking me to his borough - but not once has he ever come through on the false promises of doing something together there, not once have I been introduced to his friends or been remotely close to his stomping grounds. Every time we have met up it has been at his convenience (he lives in Staten Island, I live in Brooklyn).

So this past weekend, I finally had enough. He was having a medical issue and I asked him to call me when he was able to after his appointment. He never called. I normally never initiate phone calls, but given the situation, I called him briefly on my way to work on Saturday, it went straight to voicemail. I'm a chef, so I was busy prepping for a client dinner, when I get a text from him apologizing for missing my call and telling me he was out with his little sister and cousin for the night. I texted him back and sent him some photos of the food I was plating (he's a huge foodie) and as a last text I hinted how I needed a drink after my shift!

Crickets. No invite to meet up with him and his family, although they were literally 3 miles away....this was the final trigger for me. I went home and sent him a long text and basically ended it.

I realize what was lacking was true intimacy and true communication. All of the signs of being strung along were there, the lack of planning, only texting, not meeting his friends, not including me in his life, being too busy, canceling plans at the last minute, meeting when it was convenient for him and always having sex each time we met, him leaving after sex, offering me emotional breadcrumbs along the way to keep me there, just within reach of an actual feeling of being in relationship.

But the crazy part about this is that I still very much want him! I will do no contact and see what happens. I thank you in advance for any insight and support along the way!"

She then regularly posted in the group with updates and request for support to go through the no contact period while reading the ebook, listening to the bonus classes and the high value class and implement the new knowledge she has just learned.

Three weeks later she posted: "I survived my holiday lunch with my EUM! 🙌 We have not seen each other since before Halloween. I’ve been in no contact mode for most of November, and he has been reaching out via text/Facetime since Thanksgiving. Ladies, you will not believe this. The man took the day off of work, drove all the way to Brooklyn to pick me up, got out of the car to embrace me, told me how beautiful I looked, kissed me, hugged me again.

When we got inside the car he was visibly nervous, I was so calm, grounded, truly felt compassion for him, I was warm towards him. He presented me with my holiday gift - a le creuset cast iron skillet !! (lol, I know, not the most romantic in a normal situation, but I’m a Chef, and it’s romantic to me, I deeply appreciate this thoughtful gift) he looked lovingly into my eyes and said he hoped it will last me a lifetime.

After much back and forth, and event though a lot of you suggested I shouldn't, I decided to give him his gift, a pocket synthesizer (he’s a record engineer/musician) and enclosed a heartfelt card, he got choked up (I think he cried a little) and was SO grateful, we hugged and kissed several times, and all of this before we left where we were parked!

We drove to a restaurant of my choice, he treated me to an amazing lunch. I was warm, affectionate, open, grateful. Did not bring up any of the drama, stayed in the moment. Truly enjoyed my time with him, and it felt easy and carefree between us. I let him know I had a business appointment to get to and he offered to drive me home. When we got back in the car, within five minutes we were ALL OVER each other...I mean, heavy make out session!! Our chemistry is off the charts. I deserve a freaking medal for keeping it PG 13 !! lol.

He kept saying how much he missed me, called me his sweetheart...I peeled myself out of that car when he dropped me off, I swear, I think I soiled my pants, it got so intense! I thanked him for everything, and strutted into my house to drop off the cast iron skillet before I headed out to my appointment. I kept my cool ladies, was a total goddess, but the second I walked into my apartment I threw myself on my bed and let out a scream of joy! 😍

Frenchie (a new guy in my rotation) ended up postponing our date tonight, he was not feeling well, I was sweet as honey in my response, and said I understood. So, now I’m home...happy, and basking in the glow of being completely in control of my emotions, so open, so free. I now have the the mindset of not clinging to experience, knowing it can change tomorrow and I’m totally ok with that...and it feels so freaking good! Is this what it feels like to be a Goddess?? AAAAggh!! I feel so FREEEEEE!! 💗

A blessed day was when I found you in the beginning of November! 💕 I started with your book, and have a couple of classes. Will be doing Journey Inward next! So grateful beyond words, Katarina!! (for you and this amazing community of goddesses) ❤️"

Have you done the same thing and now you're regretting it?  It's not too late.  You still can fix it once and for all the way Natasha did.

My Method is the most successful out there based on the daily testimonial I receive like this one. I have received over 2000 testimonials since the publication of my ebook that you can check every day on my page (please like it). And the support groups are no less than genial and priceless! You can't NOT change after being there a while.

Now you can get my ebook for as little as $47 and not just that I also have Holiday Specials for the packages with email and/or Skype coaching ($15 OFF) and all my major programs. The offers are valid till January 2, 2018.  The high value class is also included in the Holiday Specials.  You really should not lose another day without listening to this powerful class that will shift your energy and mesmerize him in the process.  The effect is so instantaneous as many have attested!

Your search is over when you find me. I give REAL recipes to attracting masculine men, keeping them attracted and inspiring them to step up, propose, marry and give you the family you have always dreamed of. My unprecedented track record of one engagement/week or 144 engagements the last 4 years and thousands of relationship saved and improved speak for itself.

Don't suffer alone this Holiday Season, get on with my programs and get him back or get him to step up, propose, marry and give you the family you've ever wanted.  No matter how dire your situation might look like at the moment my Method can and will fix it and it has thousands of times.

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