How She Got The Ring After A String Of Flaky Guys

Published: Fri, 12/29/17

How She Got The Ring After A String Of Flaky Guys
Hi , 

As it usually happens year to year, December is the month of either heartbreak or engagements.  These results are consistent year to year, hence one engagement/week isn't an exaggeration.  If you follow me you might be married before you know it, that's how fast and amazing my principles work. :o  

As I mentioned yesterday, we have had 6 engagements this week alone in the community -please like the page for daily updates-, #39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 of the year! :o)

My teachings truly deliver REAL results that span beyond the relationship realm: also in every aspect of life.

Number 39 is Jina.  She wrote: "I have followed Katarina Phang for 2 years.🍭  Her philosophy really works.👍  From EUM advice to rotation dating theory, I wouldn't be the woman I am today without her.💃 Ladies, all I have to say is follow Kat's teachings whether you are single, dating, in a relationship, married, divorced, master IDGAF and dealing with neuroses and the mind,✨ you gotta put it all in perspective and learn how to detach and value yourself first and foremost for the most beautiful results...

My story is that 2 years ago EUM brought me to Kat. Following that I had a year of dating, rotating💢  and a bf who I thought would be the one but that didn't end up happening. I turned to Kat again, revisited Journey Inward program, reread her articles and inspiring stories and after forgiving my past and transforming myself emotionally and spiritually, the love of my life showed up this year. 💘💝

I essentially attracted the energy I portrayed which has a huge part from loving oneself, something that I struggled with in the EUM days. 🐤The love of my life I knew a year ago and went out with only briefly during rotation but shortly after I was in a committed relationship with the ex bf after the EUM. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Fast forward a couple months later I was single again, my now fiancé happened to also be single and we went out on a date, started fresh and I didn't have much expectations as I was healing from my past. I was blown away by the connection and attraction ❤ and everything felt right as far as timing. 

The key really is no expectations and letting the man lead. Now I'm recently engaged and our wedding date is next summer on our anniversary weekend, can't wait xo 😘🎉💖🌹✨

Ladies, great advice I was given before and will share is, don't ever give up💋. Continue to work on yourself and love yourself. Lure with honey🍯 and do you, no matter what. When you don't expect it, the unexpected happens. It's not going to be a perfect life and this is only the start of a life with my partner. Life's journey is continuous and everything goes through cycles and phases as in the seasons changing. 

Thank you all for your wonderful support, stories, and most of all LOVE 💕💕💕💕😘." 

Jina is one of my most committed students. She had this thirst to learn and invest in herself she was sitting in my monthly program until recently.

My stuff delivers serious results often at a price of a new pair of shoes or less (believe it or not most spend less than a couple of hundreds for serious results like engagements, marriages and babies! 😮).

You can also hop on Module 1 of Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching which is the latest version of Journey Inward which is the reason of Jina's growth and transformation:

Start with my ebook if you haven't.  Get $15 off till Jan 2, 2018.

She also listened to these classes:

Get all the five classes for a mere $370 ($85 OFF!), offer is valid till Jan 2, 2018.  Get the five classes specials on this link and email me the classes you want or if you want all the classes above that transformed Jina's life:

If you feel like your relationship never goes far, do not despair.  Just a little tweak from me will make a real difference.  I'm the master of pointing out your blind spot.  You won't always like it when I do, alas, but I won't sugarcoat the truth so I don't waste your time and money.

Likelihood is you are making him you are making him an EUM without realizing it by your pushiness, leaning forward behaviors and expectations.  He feels the pressure and chasing so he bolts...and you are left wondering why he can never go a distance.

Well yeah, it's because he's never properly boiled (the boiled frog is what my ebook describes the process of him falling for you).

If this is a story of your romantic life, this live class tomorrow Saturday, December 30 as a part of the monthly membership on: "When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?" is what you need.  Sit in the monthly membership like Jina and get the same result she got.

Sometimes the reason why he acts this way if because of your masculine, pushy and demanding behaviors and the inability to tolerate grey areas in the beginning of dating like I mentioned above.💣

Some other times it's perhaps nothing to do with you. It's just he's so flaky. 😫  So how do you know or do you know which is which?

This class will dissect this common behavior of men to pieces along with the response, what to say or not to say in such situations or how to treat a man like this ONCE and FOR ALL!

Sign up here, it's $77/month with minimum 2 months or $87 for just this class alone (it will be $92 once the class is done). It's always cheaper to attend the class live/sign up before the class.

When you study under me, you can't NOT change and expand to become more aware, whole and functional.  That's why the impact of my teachings is way beyond dating and relationship.  It reaches out into every aspect of your life, no exception.

So if you always want to study my teachings deeper, it's time to do so so you can be reborn January 1, 2018 with a new brain, a new pair of glasses and a new more balanced way of seeing the 20/20. 

Don't miss these Holiday Specials, cause they'll expire on January 2, 2018!

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