When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?

Published: Fri, 12/29/17

When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?
Hi , 

My groups are excellent for both my audience and myself for various and many of them obvious reasons (you can add yourself to this one).  For my audience/clients, the groups are where they learn from other people's cases and experiences, as well as they can really be in touch with their feelings and emotions and practice awareness of and detachment or taking a step or two back from their inner reactions.  This is why the groups are very healing and transformational because after spending some time in there, even jut for lurking, you can't not change or shift in some shape, way or form.

And all of a sudden things begin to make more sense and nothing is actually that complicated anymore in life.  The complications come from our attachment to our own ideas of how the world should be.

When you detach you begin to unwire all these useless neuron connections in your brain that makes you so highly sensitive and easily triggered that makes relating of any kind especially the romantic one that much harder to do.

So that is actually one of the main reasons why I become a highly sought relationship coach that brings about the most results in the niche (we have had 6 engagements this week alone in the community -please like the page for daily updates-, #39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 of the year! :o).  Real results that span beyond the relationship realm, but also every aspect of life.

As for me I get to learn women and most of my clients' issues and their blind spots.  I get to fine tune my craft and I have had so many ideas of classes, articles, posts, emails from them and their individual and collective wisdom that springs from growth and personal transformation.

One of them is Natasha.  She's a truly embodiment of an empty cup of the Zen parable, she's very receptive and one of my most avid students.  Her EUM brought her to me.  She got him back after a breakup within weeks and she was interviewed in this hit class but sadly he broke up with her again because "he wasn't ready."

A few years later he came back and really claimed her this time.  The whole time she never leaned forward.  She just focused on herself and son and her life/business with perhaps going out on a date every now and then.

She's one of the most intelligent, genuine and thoughtful women I know on FB and one of the main contributors of our groups whose advice and opinions are respected. Her EUM (now bf) couldn't let go of the thoughts of her, he was totally under her spell.

She recently commented on a thread in the group I mentioned about a few days ago about a lady whose therapist diagnosed her long distant EUM as narcissist/sociopath, something that unfortunately is being thrown out there quite a bit by a lot of women.

She wrote: "I have a few thoughts. 

1. I think your therapist can’t diagnose your guy because he is not her client and she is not seeing him. She is getting things strictly from your point of view. Most skilled therapist focus on their client and will shy away from diagnosis in that way. 

2. Whether or not he has a diagnosis should be none of your concern. Your ego (we are all guilty of this) needs to find a reason outside of ourselves to justify his behavior. Don’t allow a diagnosis to keep you from looking at and addressing the real issue, which is you-have leaned back and he is not stepping up. 

3. Take the focus off this guy and pay attention to yourself. Do your inner work. Read the book and perhaps take some classes. You are way to focused on him. Date and get a rotation and don’t make excuses about why you are not getting back out there. So what if you are leaving the area in 4 months, you are not making any commitments, just dating.

4. You will be more lonely pinning over a man during the holidays than you would if you just let it go and be carefree. 

5. Time to take the love and feelings you are giving to him and place it on yourself. He is not the priority here, you are.

Leaning back has helped. You just refuse to accept the results you have gotten from leaning back and your counselor is enabling you by giving you “possible reasons” why this guy is not stepping up. Again, self reflection is what would benefit you most and your counselor is ineffective if she has not told you that."

Her advice is just so spot on so I need to share it to you all.  Many of you who come to me are so wounded and expecting your EUM to appease, pander to your every whim and heal your wounds.  

So in this light, I will conduct a class this Saturday, December 30 as a part of the monthly membership on: "When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?"

This class will dissect this common behavior of men to pieces along with the response, what to say or not to say in such situations or how to treat a man like this ONCE and FOR ALL!

Sign up here, it's $77/month with minimum 2 months or $87 for just this class alone (it will be $92 once the class is done).

When you study under me, you can't NOT change and expand to become more aware, whole and functional.  That's why the impact of my teachings is way beyond dating and relationship.  It reaches out into every aspect of your life, no exception.

So if you always want to study my teachings deeper, it's time to do so so you can be reborn January 1, 2018 with a new brain, a new pair of glasses and a new more balanced way of seeing the world...vision 20/20. 

Don't miss these Holiday Specials, cause they'll expire on January 2, 2018!

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