When Your Relationship With Your EUM Never Launched, Try This

Published: Mon, 01/01/18

When Your Relationship With Your EUM Never Launched, Try This
Hi , 

Happy new year!  How was your NYE?  We were having some companies over Joe's cooking for a low-key NYE celebration at our home.  I hope you had a great time, no matter how your (romantic) life is at the moment.

Trust that everything shall pass.  I have been alone every Holiday in the following years after my split from my ex too.  It's just a phase everybody is going to go through at some points in their lives.

One happy news in our community is involving Nicole.  You see Nicole has been in this situationship for 20 years (yup you read it right: TWENTY years) on and off.  She could never get the relationship launched for some reason.  Her EUM was even engaged to someone else during their last breakup though they didn't end up marrying.

In February this year she found me, thank God, and got my ebook immediately.

On June 26 she sent me her first email: "I've read your book and occasionally listen to your audios. I have a question about exes.

I've obsessed over an ex that I truly believed was or is meant for me. We've known each other for years and have loads of history, good and bad. He's 55 now and I'm 46, both of us are way too old to not know what it takes to make this work but the thing is we don't.

For me, I'm anxious and don't feel he loves me although I think he does (which I just learned from you is the lowest state of feminine consciousness). Some history for you....My EUM got engaged a few years ago, which was at a time I decided to move on and stop dealing with him. And although I knew he was in a relationship, I didn't know he got engaged.

Years passed and life started happening, I lost a parent, I lost a dog and I reached out to him and we sparked back up again. He didn't tell right off that he recently called off an engagement but he eventually did and although it hurt I realized that he too moved on. Somehow we are in this relationship again and honestly I really don't know how we got here it was pretty mindless - it just moved in this direction.

I didn't call or obsess over him; and that state of being just lured him in. NOW he's friends with his ex-fianceé and he confessed that she moved to our State a couple of years ago to be closer to him even though their not together.

In February I came across an email from her to him talking about stuff with her job, I've seen a couple of missed phone calls early morning from her to him and just the other day it was his birthday and I spent the evening with him. 4 am the next morning his cell is all lit up with sexy cartoon happy birthday wishes from her.

I'm not comfortable with this and tried to lean back and observe the situation but my emotions got the best of me and I insisted he put a stop to their communication and he refused. He says he would never get back with her and is trying to make this work with me but he couldn't say he would never speak to her again.

He couldn't imagine her calling him with an emergency and his response would be, I can't help you. My mind had been racing for weeks now and yesterday I just couldn't accept the disrespect and blew up. We both agreed to end the relationship and haven't spoken to each other for a day now.

So, did he just choose her over me?

I would like to buy your 5 Class Specials...what would you recommend? Because clearly I don't know how to do this.

Thank you,"

So I recommended the five classes based on her story.  

Fast forward six months later, out of the blue she wrote me again with "I'm engaged" on the subject title (I know, if this is not sorcery I don't know what is. :D) and a ring picture attached: "Hi Kat,

I’m engaged! My EUM called me today early on Christmas. It had to be 7 am. We didn’t spend the night together but we planned to spend the day together. He was on his way. I had to jump up and get ready. By 8 am my ring is set and I’m making plans to be his wife.

Your teachings are like no other. My EUM and I go way back, 20 years. Off and on. I’m 46 and he’s 55. Neither of us have ever been married and he will tell you, “I like my life the way it is.” 

But I bring him that extra something that he can’t live without. I bought your ebook in February and then decided to purchase your 5 Class Specials in June. With your suggestion, I ordered “How to Manage Your Emotional Investment,” “How to be High Value and Easy to Lose and How to Inspire Men to Step Up," "How To Soften Your Boundaries," "Why Talking Less Makes You An Enigma To Be Unwrapped" and “7 Conditions of How Men Fall in Love.”

I have to tell you, KEEPING YOUR MOUTH CLOSE...was the absolute hardest thing for me. But it has gotten easier. Accepting him and his ways was a choice. I couldn’t expect him to change. When I needed to say something I did but with respect and kindness and I could see his change as well. He would listen and make a shift.

Your teachings goes against everything I read in other books and heard from other women. “If he don’t propose will you be ready to walk away from him for ever... You know he will Never marry you... Just keep moving forward and don't look back.” But sometimes, well in my case I knew HE was my guy. I always knew that and I wanted my Ex back but I needed help to get it right this time. Thanks for helping me!"

Yup, just like that.  I diagnose you, I give you prescriptions and gradually but surely your love life starts to change...  In her case the mistakes of 20 years were wiped out and fixed in 6 months!

It's like clockwork.  So she's engagement #41 this year, and one of six this Holiday week!

Now you understand why I'm different.  This kind of results you won't find anywhere else online or offline.  I have looked and I haven't seen anything comparable.

So if you want to own those magical classes, my 5 Classes Specials with more discount on top of the already discounted rate as part of Holiday Specials will end January 2 (tomorrow!) so hurry.  Without the additional $20 off if you get 5 classes you will save between $50-100 so add the additional $20 on top of that by using coupon code $20OFF:

Pick the classes from the list or email me to let me pick them for you.

And last but not least, yesterday's class on: "When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?" was a hoot and a hit!

The class gained traction within hours and so many have signed up for that class last minute or right after the call.  It certainly going to be one of the most popular together with how to be high value and easy to lose.

Carmella said this about the class: "Katarina, it was a great audio. 👍  I wish this audio was available a few years ago, I definitely would have reacted differently after the guy I was interested in pulled back. I am in that place of let him be, as I build my rotation.

This audio should be up there on your must have list next to or before the "How To Manage Your Emotional Investment" audio."

So you can also pick that class as a part of the bundle!  Separately it'll be sold for $92 when it's uploaded to the website but if you just want to own that class you can get it on the link below for $87 so hurry because it'll be $92 once I upload it:

When you study under me, you can't NOT change and expand to become more aware, whole and functional.  That's why the impact of my teachings is way beyond dating and relationship.  It reaches out into every aspect of your life, no exception.

So if you always want to study my teachings deeper, it's time to do so so you can be reborn January 1, 2018 with a new brain, a new pair of glasses and a new more balanced way of seeing the world...vision 20/20. 

Don't miss these Holiday Specials, cause they'll expire on January 2, 2018!

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