When You're One Of The Wives, What To Do To Become His Favorite?

Published: Thu, 01/25/18

When You're One Of The Wives, What To Do To Become His Favorite?

Hi , 

So far we have had 3 engagements this year, believe it or not!  Women from every corner of the glove will eventually find me cause they really need advice that works, not some of the time or most of the time but all the time.  And many of them aren't so privileged as the rest of us who live in the West or first world nations.

That's why I have 4 different price points for my ebook to cater to those whose each dollar goes far where they come from.  Have you checked what you can afford?  I don't want you to think I'm a coach for "fiercely successful -aka loaded- women" only.  

I'm for every woman, from every income level.  My teachings are too great not to share to every living breathing human being on the planet.  Seriously.

Get my ebook today, stop procrastinating and making excuses.

Even women from most foreign cultures like the Middle East also reach out to me and I have helped many of them.  One of them is Jamilah.  She reached out to me on January 10 this year.

She wrote:

"Dear Katarina,

My husband has 3 wives, I am the second of the 3, we are Muslims.

He has been married to his first wife for 15 years, me and him for 3 years but we’re together for 5 years, and just on July 31, 2017 he married his 3rd wife.

The first wife and I are living in the same city, we are here in Jeddah. The third wife is his cousin and was living here in Jeddah too with his mom and sister. They were engaged for 3 months before they got married in Yemen and she has been there ever since. They hid the engagement and marriage from me and the first wife. He told us only when it’s done.

It was hard to accept that he married again, but that is accepted in our culture so I had to even if it’s difficult at first.

You can’t imagine the jealousy, insecurity, clinginess that I was having. Even when there were only 2 wives I was texting him 10000 gazillion texts a day, calling him and when he won’t pick up I will ring him again and again and again. I was sooooo scared to lose him.

If he comes to me late like for an hour, I will nag him or I will ignore him like he’s not there and he will get mad and we will argue and I will tell him how unfair he is for spending more time with his first wife. And I know that the first wife is also doing this to him because all 3 of us (with our kids) lived together in 1 house for more than a year. I know cos I’ve witnessed.

Now looking back, maybe that’s one of the MAJOR reasons why he got married again 😔

Now on October 18, 2017 he left for Yemen, he said it’s for work but of course I didn’t believe him. I knew, or so I thought, this is for their honeymoon. When he is there, his phone is always off, it will just be on for a few hours a day usually in the afternoon until early evening (4-7pm) and then we cannot contact him again. I was so upset about this because when he was here, he seems to be always waiting on his phone, chatting with somebody until wee hours in the morning. He denied that he was chatting with his wife of course, he said its work.

2 weeks into the trip he went to his father’s family’s place near Oman. He called me to tell me that he was on his way by bus because his car broke down. I asked if his wife is with him and he said no. After this, no contact for 2 days, I was calling and texting but his phone was off.

And then all of a sudden he sent me a photo of him in a hospital with a message “one of my men hurt” so I got worried for him. He said he will explain later. And then his phone was off again, no contact for 2 days. I am friends with one of his brother’s wife, so I asked her what she knows about what happened to my husband. And she told me that he was there with his wife and he took her to Oman hospital because she is sick.

I was so angry at him and angry at myself that I worried about him when all this time he was lying to me. So this time I told him I cannot live with all these lies anymore. I asked him what do you get from all this lying and hiding? Does it make you happy? Does it make your life better? I told him I want divorce and I want my daughter.

From that day in October when he left for Yemen until today he didn’t come home to me but neither did he give me divorce. FYI, he already divorced me once for a very petty thing on Sep 1, 2016, but we Muslims have to divorce 3x for it to be final.

I was devastated and since I found out he married again, I was convinced he is a Narcissist who oppressed women and just use us to stroke his ego. I searched about Narcissism in the net, in youtube, all the articles and videos I found, I read and watched them all. And then I stumbled upon a video of Oprah and Eckhart Tolle and what he was saying was ringing true with me. I read his book The Power of Now. And so I said this is what I want to do, to just accept what is and be in the now. But I didn’t know how to apply this to my relationshio with my husband.

At about the same time also I found videos and articles from Rori Raye, Renee Wade, Matt Hussey, Katie Hendricks because I was searching for ways how to fix my marriage. But I felt more confused than ever. There were days that I was texting him asking for his help almost everyday for a week because someone said I need to trigger his hero instinct so he will fall in love with me. I was trying to be a feeling siren but didn’t work as most of the time I don’t even know how I feel so how can I express it to him?

The first time I saw him since he left was on Dec 9, he picked me up from work to bring our daughter back to me. I had already read about leaning back so I sat there in the car smiling at him not really doing anything. On Dec 11 he called me and he said if I invite him for a cup of tea he would gladly come over. December 12, he came here in the house, had tea. Then after he said he wants to fuck me, his words were harsh, I refused but he pinned me to the floor and forced me. After this he said he doesn’t want to fix our marriage. I kept quiet, didn’t say anything, didn’t show him how upset I was but inside I felt so low like dirt. This memory still brings tears to my eyes 😭

It was in Eckhart’s words and teachings that I felt peaceful and calm so I searched his take on marriage and relationships and that’s when I found you Katarina, this was a few days after that incident with my husband.

I found myself watching all your videos on youtube, lurking your blog and facebook page every chance I get, read and re-read your articles.

We had no contact for 10 days. On Dec 22 he came again to the house unannounced, we did not talk much and nothing was mentioned about what happened last time. But then he started kissing me and it felt so sincere. I was touched by how deeply he was staring at my eyes. I felt that he loves me and that I love him and we had the most passionate sex we had in our marriage.

But then again he left after this, no mention whatsoever if and when he will come back home to us and are we getting back together or no.

To this day it is not clear what our status is. He is still blowing hot and cold. How do I lean back Kat? Do you think leaning back will work on him considering he has 2 other wives waiting on his hands and feet very eager to please him.

I keep watching your videos and reading your articles because they make me feel good, something tells me it’s the right thing to do. Although I’m scared and I’m not really sure if it will work in my situation.

I badly need your help.

So I added her to the group (you can add yourself too here).  No, she hasn't bought anything from me yet but she certainly got all the support she needed in the group.

Less than two weeks later she posted:  "Hi Kat and all you Kat ladies and goddesses in here!

On January 16, my husband came back ❤️❤️❤️ after 3 months of having left us. And he spent 5 days with us, 5 days straight without alternating me with the first wife, cos he said he wanted to make it up to me ☺️💓. (I am so happy with this cos the first time he divorced me, we also spent time apart, 2 months almost. But when he came back that time, he just went on and continue with the alternating days.)

And you know what, in those 5 days, we did not have any single fight!  No bickering, no argument, not even one! This was not me, this was not us, we were never like this!😮

There were a few triggers here and there, especially when he admitted that his new wife is now 3 months pregnant. Until now I couldn’t believe how I was able to let that all just slide without this “I don’t give a damn” attitude. At that moment I felt my heart💗 was open to him. I wasn’t even trying to understand him, I was already being understanding of him. Now I realize that trying to be and just being are two totally different things. I did not need to pretend that I was okay with what he told me, I was really okay with it, it is what is at that moment and I accepted it.

In the past I was easily slighted, was nagging and smothering then all of a sudden would be distant and aloof. Being in the moment helped me to stop judging me and therefore I stopped judging him.

And I know he could feel the shift happening in our marriage too. He was staring at my eyes longer, he was touching my face, was lifting my chin when he kissed me. My husband is a very tough guy, an Arab man, a young leader of his tribe who equates having wives to owning cars! Now I cannot think of any other adjective for him but gentle and kind, that’s how he was towards me for those 5 days.

It’s magical how Kat’s teachings helped me transform my marriage alone! This was just through watching her videos and reading her blog over and over and putting them to heart💝. At the start I was just doing it cos they make me feel better. What she says couldn’t be more true that when I change me, this will also change him. 😍

Yesterday he travelled to Yemen. We just said our goodbyes, no drama, no crying, no clinging on my part, just a deep sense of trust that everything is good. (F.Y.I. I used to blow up his phone by sending I love yous, I miss you already, come back home soon, with a hundred emojis and was calling him every hour until he reaches his destination). I am so glad I’m over that 😂.

Five days is not enough I know. I intend my marriage to be this way forever! So I’m saving up for Kat’s book and the high value and easy to lose class, at the end of this month I will definitely have them. I cannot thank you enough Katarina Phang, I will be forever grateful that I found you cos I found myself thru you. I really love you.

And thank y’all goddesses, you’re all beautiful! Thank you for all the help.

I don’t know how to thank you Kat, thank you so much! And it was unbelievably fast! Just 3 weeks after the day I chanced upon your videos! You are heaven sent, much love to you, the Man Whisperer 😍❤️"

This kind of extremely fast results isn't anecdotal evidence.  I hear it every single day brought to my attention either in the groups or personally through emails, comments and PM on Facebook.  Stay tuned for the release of the series of 2000 ++ testimonials I have received since 2012.  I will distribute at least some of them for free cause you will learn so much about my teachings just through reading these heartfelt and often very smart and insightful commentaries.

The women I coach have innate wisdom and divine intelligence in them already.  They just need a little nudge to crack their awareness open.

These are what keep me going.  Cause I know these women need me.  Badly.  And they get wrong advice too out there in the juggernaut.  Advice that doesn't bring them peace of mind but more anxiety and suffering.

This year is an exciting year for Team Katarina.  We're expanding, not because I'm ambitious, but because it's organic growth.

My reach is widening every single day.  My message resonates with more and more people and my results are UNPRECEDENTED in the niche, online or offline.

After few hundreds of persistent testimonials day in day out a few years ago I surrendered to the reality that I was a thought leader in the industry.  This is the life calling that is afforded to me by the Universe.  It's not something under my control.  Not out of ambition, but out of necessity and natural unfolding. 

I don't make unsupported or exaggerated claims about my success and my importance (hey, you have to pay me 5 figures to get my private coaching which everyone knows is a marketing gimmick that gets so old already).

I'm direct and transparent.  What you see is what you get.  I'm all about substance, not glamour or PR.

If you want to learn more about my thought processes that you can also implement in your daily life, I invite you to sign up for my brand new program: Midas Touch, The Exploration of Your Genius Zone.

This program will inspire you to be the greatest you can be in your own field.  Because each one of you has that Genius Zone lying dormant waiting to be awakened.

Plans are available.  Just email me if you need any more consideration.  I'm always open to your suggestions.

I will also hold my Feminine Magnetism retreat in my beautiful home in Southern California on May 3 - 6 so please book your calendar.   And you will receive special invitation if you sign up for Midas Touch.

Please write me if you're interested and have any inquiries. 

I will update the page next week and you can start registering for the early bird specials.

We had such a great one last September.  You will get to relax, have fun, socialize and make friends with like minds, eat gourmet healthy food while nourishing your soul and cultivating your feminine magnetism.

You'll come home a new person.  One of the participants Alexandra said this about the retreat:  "Ladies, if you’re hesitating about booking Kat’s Retreat, please don’t!

I hesitated before going because I’ve been in this group for almost 3 years, had bought so many of her materials (Journey Inward, Four Components of Melting His Heart, monthly membership and all the other classes this includes), and already felt very much in my feminine energy, so I wasn’t sure of the added benefit of going. Well I was wrong. The benefits of going were priceless for me!

Despite already ‘knowing' a lot of the material, being there and hearing Kat speak in person, being able to hang out and just relax with her and her wonderful partner Joey, and exchanging in person with the other girls, had strong and unexpected long-lasting benefits!

After returning I encountered a very rough patch in my personal life, and I saw first-hand how her soothing words and advice really helped me. I was able with the tools that she ingrained in me to get a grip on myself, turn things around, and become happy and calm once again, - all on my own.

The end result is that my already successful long term relationship with my live-in BF has reached new heights that I couldn’t even imagine possible. He’s the most present and attentive partner I ever had. He shows it everyday in a multitude of small ways.

And now he even offered to invite all my family and friends for New Years day - he will be cooking a big brunch and making mimosas for all my loved ones, on his own initiative.

So if the retreat is financially feasible for you, please don’t hesitate to join!

Sending lots of love and holiday wishes to all you Kat-girls,



PS: this very popular class "When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?"  is ready for purchase.  And you will know why this class is such a hit upon the understanding and peace of mind that comes after listening to it.

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