How To Save Your Relationship/Marriage Alone Even If He Has Checked Out

Published: Tue, 01/30/18

How To Save Your Relationship/Marriage Alone Even If He Has Checked Out

Hi , 

So fourth engagement of the month has entered the news room which means the one engagement/week tradition continues....yipee!  

Yesterday I had a live class: Three Feminine Ways To Keep Your Relationship/Marriage Harmonious.  Please like or share it if it resonates with you.

Facebook changed its algorithm again so you won't see many posts from businesses, pages or brands unless they pay for ads. So to be updated with my future posts, free classes and new blog posts please FOLLOW my page and check "see first" even though you have liked my page. That way you will be included in those who can see my posts on your newsfeed.  I'll broadcast my free live class from my page so please make sure you don't miss any of them.

If you're currently in a rocky relationship/marriage, you don't wan to miss this live call tomorrow at 6 pm EST:  "How To Save Your Relationship/Marriage Alone Even If He Has Checked Out."

Some relationships/marriages are worth salvaging, even when they look so hopeless.  And I’m a believer that it takes one person to save a relationship and I have proven it with my track record of helping thousands of women amend their broken relationships/marriages by simply transforming themselves and shifting their energies in the process.

When one person changes in the relationship, the other has to change as well to adjust to the new position. When a partner isn’t being resisted, whatever poses as stumbling block will eventually dissolve.

Even when the divorce happens after all, the transformation that happens won’t be for nothing.

Why does relationship become hard over time? It’s because of accumulation and resistance. 

What is accumulation? Accumulation of the piling of experiences that typically involve unresolved issues and hurt feelings. 

How does accumulation happen?  It happens because most people don’t die to the past. They either live in the past of the future, both of which don't exist, thus are illusions.

Why don’t people die to the past? Because the ego lives in psychological time: which involves the past or the future. The movement in the mind space is resistance of the present moment. The mind isn’t really needed in the now so dropping the mind is really about to dwell and surrender in the glorious moment.

What is resistance? Resistance happens when there is a gap between “what is” and “what should be.” “What should be” is the play of the mind, it’s the resistance of the now. It’s what expectations are. And expectations are the mother of all heartaches.

The heartaches bring to accumulation because the ego will resist the now and dying to the past.

So between those two things: accumulation and resistance, marital issues are created and exacerbated over time.

So when your partner/husband has checked out from the marriage, shift your energy by stop doing those two things. It’s hard but it’s doable as many of my clients have proven.

To tame the ego and its penchant to accumulate and resist is to understand and see how the mind works. My teachings center around this very fundamental transformational power.

Don't miss this call, you can sign up for just this class ($87) or moth to month ($77) for very enlightening subjects like this one (minimum 2 months). My classes will crack you open so your divine feminine can float to the surface.

I'm the world's top expert on complicated/difficult relationships and non-committal men as my track record and over 2000 testimonials have indicated. I'm the last resort when everything else under the sun has failed.
If you haven't added yourself to my FREE group, please do because you will learn by leaps and bounds there.

You will learn people's progress and success stories in the group every single day.

If other coaches have to ferret testimonials from their clients, I have a hard time to publish them all.

They keep coming every single day and they're written in such heartfelt manners I feel so humbled and grateful.

I have amazing, smart, self-aware women as my clients or they have grown so much since the first day they found me they have grown into it.

Have you seen any changes in yourself since the day you read my post, watched my video or listened to my class?  Have you become more patient, dispassionate, understanding, introspective, tolerant and peaceful?  If only just a little bit?

If yes, kudos!  You can pat yourself on the back.  That's progress.

This year is an exciting year for us at the Katarina Phang's Headquarters.  The first month this year has been the most growth in a month and considering January is typically a slow month it's an indication the tsunami is coming our way!

My reach is widening every single day.  My message resonates with more and more people and my results are UNPRECEDENTED in the niche, online or offline.

I have now 4 different 4 points for the ebook to reach out to every woman on the planet.  I want you all to see the light after a long tunnel of darkness, confusion and suffering.  No woman left behind.  No woman should suffer alone not knowing the simple truth about having a healthy relationship with men.

So if you haven't read it or have been hesitating to purchase it, please get it here and stop wasting any more time and commit to the process.  I promise you, you won't regret it.

After few hundreds of persistent testimonials day in day out a few years ago I surrendered to the reality that I was a thought leader in the industry.  This is the life calling that is afforded to me by the Universe.  It's not something under my control.  Not out of ambition, but out of necessity and natural unfolding. 

I don't make unsupported or exaggerated claims about my success and my importance (hey, you have to pay me 5 figures to get my private coaching which everyone knows is a marketing gimmick that gets so old already).

I'm direct and transparent.  What you see is what you get.  I'm all about substance, not glamour or PR.

If you want to learn more about my thought processes that you can also implement in your daily life, I invite you to sign up for my brand new program: Midas Touch, The Exploration of Your Genius Zone.

This program will inspire you to be the greatest you can be in your own field.  Because each one of you has that Genius Zone lying dormant waiting to be awakened.

Plans are available.  Just email me if you need any more consideration.  I'm always open to your suggestions.

I will also hold my Feminine Magnetism retreat in my beautiful home in Southern California on May 2 - 6 so please book your calendar.   And you will receive special invitation if you sign up for Midas Touch.  You can sign up and get the early bird specials for the first 8 people.

Please write me if you're interested and have any inquiries. 

We had such a great one last September.  You will get to relax, have fun, socialize and make friends with like minds, eat gourmet healthy food while nourishing your soul and cultivating your feminine magnetism.

You'll come home a new person.  One of the participants Alexandra said this about the retreat:  "Ladies, if you’re hesitating about booking Kat’s Retreat, please don’t!

I hesitated before going because I’ve been in this group for almost 3 years, had bought so many of her materials (Journey Inward, Four Components of Melting His Heart, monthly membership and all the other classes this includes), and already felt very much in my feminine energy, so I wasn’t sure of the added benefit of going. Well I was wrong. The benefits of going were priceless for me!

Despite already ‘knowing' a lot of the material, being there and hearing Kat speak in person, being able to hang out and just relax with her and her wonderful partner Joey, and exchanging in person with the other girls, had strong and unexpected long-lasting benefits!

After returning I encountered a very rough patch in my personal life, and I saw first-hand how her soothing words and advice really helped me. I was able with the tools that she ingrained in me to get a grip on myself, turn things around, and become happy and calm once again, - all on my own.

The end result is that my already successful long term relationship with my live-in BF has reached new heights that I couldn’t even imagine possible. He’s the most present and attentive partner I ever had. He shows it everyday in a multitude of small ways.

And now he even offered to invite all my family and friends for New Years day - he will be cooking a big brunch and making mimosas for all my loved ones, on his own initiative.

So if the retreat is financially feasible for you, please don’t hesitate to join!

Sending lots of love and holiday wishes to all you Kat-girls,



PS: this very popular class "When He Pulls Away, Comes And Goes or Blows Hot and Cold, What To Do?"  is ready for purchase.  And you will know why this class is such a hit upon the understanding and peace of mind that comes after listening to it.
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