Valentine's Specials You Don't Want To Miss

Published: Fri, 02/09/18

Valentine's Specials You Don't Want To Miss
Hi , 

It's this time of year again: Valentine's Day.  And many of you are perhaps anticipating with trepidation of what is in store.  Our groups usually become weeping chambers this time of year thanks to expectations aren't being met.

Truth is we still see posts day in day out about unmet expectations: from not getting response to texts in a timely manner or him leaving the convo without saying anything (as if texts were meant to be forever), to him not wanting to be miserable staying in bed with a sick girlfriend, to taking offense of others not expressing themselves the way one thinks they should (or not hearing what one wants to hear when it comes to advice).

Truth is expectations are the mother of all sorrow.  

One of my favorite quotes is of Carl Jung who said "One who looks outside dreams.  One who looks inside awakens."

Which one are you?

Are you aware enough to sit with your inner reaction/emotions and learn from them or are you always too busy trying to fix people and the outer world so they fit to your ideas of how things should be?

The first camp owns their emotions.  The latter projects their expectations onto the world.  And as such they'll continue to dream and suffer in the dream.  They're so deeply unconscious.

This point is often driven home by my very transformational unmoderated FB groups.  From time to time there will be members who think people should follow rules on how not to offend others, instead of working on the penchant of taking offense.

They believe their perception is the most accurate.  They believe that right or wrong, good or bad is as clear cut as ABC.  That it can easily be determined at all time without paradoxes.

And as such people who hold such dualistic view of the world will continue to fight because they're divided within.  They're so "shadowy" (my term of someone who is so limping and imbalanced walking on one leg all the time).  They're blind to their own dark side and what they're not aware of they're going to project while the entire time thinking they're not and will never be one of the offenders they judge.

But it's simply not true.  With a little of self-awareness you will see how roles are reversed every so often.  Now you feel like a victim (oh people are being rude and attacking me!).  Tomorrow others will feel they're the victims of your rudeness and attacks.  And you will say "that's your perception cause I have no intention to be rude or to hurt/attack you!"

Don't tell me you've never had that experience.  You're just not attuned to it cause you're too busy in your head defending yourself.  And do you even realize that the need to defend yourself (and thus be defensive) is because you constantly judge yourself (hence you also constantly judge others)?

One finger pointing, three fingers back at ya.  You can see clearly when others are doing it to you but not yourself, can't you?

Do you get where I'm coming from?

This is why I continue to give extraordinary results in the industry.   This is basic to my teachings so if you're still resisting it you will continue to have problems in your relationships, not just with your guy or men you date but everyone, including your friends and family members.

And this lesson isn't missed by my star students.  They thrive in every aspect of their lives thanks to this realization.
One of them is Rania.  She ended up on my website when her guy dumped her.  Now they're back together and not just that, he also started talking about marriage!

She shared this in the group (you can add yourself here): "Ladies! My heart is gonna skip a beat!! He just sent me a message stating "We should get married I think it's time."

I have been following Kat and this group since September, bought the ebook, then recently got "High value and easy to lose" class. I just finished it. Oh my God, my hands are shaking while writing here. I'm too scared of making this decision again. I have two kids and they will definitely live with me if i accept his proposal. Ladies, I need your encouraging words, I don't wanna divorce another time. I love him a lot but the whole situation (second marriage with my kids is totally overwhelming to me). Please help me Goddesses!!

He traveled this morning for a business trip and he has been telling me it's getting hard to stay away from you. Then he texted me this couple hours after he landed.

We have been together for the past five years. But this time he has been pursuing me like crazy, since i changed my behavior in accordance to Kat's teachings.

He changed a lot with me since we broke up last time. He came to me promised he will never leave until i put him out, been very affectionate. I don't know what happened honestly! Am so overwhelmed don't know what to do!

I found Katarina almost end of September 2017, bought the book on Dec 17. And there I am seeing many positive changes with EUM. Thank you kat!. I need your recommendations for my next purchase to keep this high value attitude, and keep attracting him so he gets to finally propose LOL 😎"

Rania only got the $47 ebook so less than $150 she got these phenomenal results!

So if you keep waiting and waiting (some for years already but keep writing me for advice) because you're too cheap to invest in yourself, don't be mad if the world passes you by.  It's truly a small investment for the lessons you're going to learn that will change your life forever!

Bottom line is, it's easy to have an easy relationship.  But first you must work on your neuroses.  Expectations are the prime example of neuroses.  You know 2 + 2 = 4 but you can't be at peace with it.  You wish it were 5 so you keep shoulding it in your head.

Easy on the shoulds, .  The world isn't going to be what you think it should be.  Surrender to it.  Come to terms with it.  Be at peace with it.

So back on Valentine's Day, to console your bleeding heart just in case you don't get what you think you should get (or those who are single and in a breakup situation), I'm offering $250 off for my Feminine Magnetism group coaching starting today.

The most I gave discount is $200 off for the program but I'm feeling generous this week.  So get it on the page below, scroll down and put in the coupon code VDAY and get busy changing your mindset.  The offer is valid for a week only and it ends on February 15, 2018 at midnight PT.

If you get per module, you get to choose 2 classes value at $154 from these Goddess Interview Series (or 3 classes if your get Module 1 Journey Inward value at $231).

These Kat Goddesses are the epitome of what a feminine High Value woman looks like at their core and why their guys cherish them the way they do.  And they started just like all of you: full of insecurities, anxiety, expectations and the need to control or secure an outcome.

I'm the world's top expert on complicated/difficult relationships and non-committal men as my track record and over 2000 testimonials have indicated. I'm the last resort when everything else under the sun has failed.
Last but not least, I will only have one coaching program going on this year other than the monthly membership that you can attend live.  This program is brand new and it's an exploration of your inner genius.

This program will inspire you to be the greatest you can be in your own field.  Because each one of you has that Genius Zone lying dormant waiting to be awakened.  We will start (tentatively at this point) 2nd week of March.  And if you sign up today you will get $500 discounted rate.  My programs typically increase in prices with time, not decrease.

Plans are available.  Just email me if you need any more consideration.  I'm always open to your suggestions.

I will also hold my Feminine Magnetism retreat in my beautiful home in Southern California on May 2 - 6 so please book your calendar.   And you will receive special invitation if you sign up for Midas Touch.  You can sign up and get the early bird specials for the first 8 people and we currently have 6 seats left!

Please write me if you're interested and have any inquiries. 

We had such a great one last September.  You will get to relax, have fun, socialize and make friends with like minds, eat gourmet healthy food while nourishing your soul and cultivating your feminine magnetism.

You'll come home a new person.  One of the participants Alexandra said this about the retreat:  "Ladies, if you’re hesitating about booking Kat’s Retreat, please don’t!

I hesitated before going because I’ve been in this group for almost 3 years, had bought so many of her materials (Journey Inward, Four Components of Melting His Heart, monthly membership and all the other classes this includes), and already felt very much in my feminine energy, so I wasn’t sure of the added benefit of going. Well I was wrong. The benefits of going were priceless for me!

Despite already ‘knowing' a lot of the material, being there and hearing Kat speak in person, being able to hang out and just relax with her and her wonderful partner Joey, and exchanging in person with the other girls, had strong and unexpected long-lasting benefits!

After returning I encountered a very rough patch in my personal life, and I saw first-hand how her soothing words and advice really helped me. I was able with the tools that she ingrained in me to get a grip on myself, turn things around, and become happy and calm once again, - all on my own.

The end result is that my already successful long term relationship with my live-in BF has reached new heights that I couldn’t even imagine possible. He’s the most present and attentive partner I ever had. He shows it everyday in a multitude of small ways.

And now he even offered to invite all my family and friends for New Years day - he will be cooking a big brunch and making mimosas for all my loved ones, on his own initiative.

So if the retreat is financially feasible for you, please don’t hesitate to join!

Sending lots of love and holiday wishes to all you Kat-girls,



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