Valentine's Day Isn't Validation Day

Published: Tue, 02/13/18

Valentine's Day Isn't Validation Day
Hi , 

The dreaded V-day is tomorrow.  And apparently for many women V stands for VALIDATION.

That's sad if you need a day to feel validated of your worth.

Are you feeling extremely delicate already in anticipation of tomorrow?

Why are you doing this to yourself?  Especially if you expect a full V-day treatment from a non boyfriend.  You see how foolish that is?

Yes your EUM is your non-bf.  A guy who says you're exclusive but sees you once every 2 weeks is a non bf.  A guy who doesn't card to keep in touch most days of the week isn't your bf either.

A bf is what a bf does.  Do you hear me?

And no, bringing this up in a talk so that he knows what you want/expect isn't going to work.  Have you watched my latest video on how feeling messages and talking too much have ruined so many relationships/marriages?  Watch it now and like/love and share it cause millions of women need to get it that talking/communication isn't the route to blissful relationships despite what you hear out there.

Talk less.  Communicate more with your energy.  But unless you're conversant with my teachings, you won't even know what that means.

What you hear out there is mostly junk advice.  Most of these "experts" don't have a clue what they're talking about cause they're in the dark themselves about what makes a great relationship cause their own stuff is in the way.  What you have here is the real deal because the teacher has arrived to the blissful equanimity, the all-encompassing centeredness.  She has done her work.  

So she can teach the same to others.

You've been resisting me so much on this one advice to put him in your rotation.  That resistance puts you in the doormat-ballbuster vicious cycle that doesn't inspire adoration and commitment from a guy (check and practice these seven steps to put him under your spell).

Listen up, if he hasn't shown much love/attention throughout the year or the entire time you're "together" what he does on Valentine's Day is IRRELEVANT.  It's inconsequential.  So to put yourself in this precarious position to expect a special treatment tomorrow is a set up for extreme heartsick.

What do flowers do one day of a year if you don't spend much time with him the rest of the time anyway?  It's total BS.

You have your priority totally skewed.

But maybe you have to experience this so you can hit your rock bottom because most people need it to change their ways.

So instead of expecting anything from a lukewarm guy (who is now even more scared by the expectations of this day), just let go of this notion that Valentine's Day needs to be anything special already.  

It. Is. Just. Another. Day.

Let a guy come up with his own ideas of how to treat you on this day and be very gracious and grateful when he does something special.  Don't make it an obligation to him.  Love is freeing.

And if he's not even fully in yet, accept that he's perhaps not going to be in the mood to lead you on or to be mandated to be extra romantic.

To expect that is a set up for huge disappointment, obviously.  So why do you do that to yourself?  

Your worth isn't linked to any day of the year.  Your worth is something you realize within yourself.  

So, , instead of relying on external source for validation why don't you gift yourself a path to cultivate self-validation?  Maybe treat yourself for a Valentine's special treatment by investing in your personal growth.

The offers are valid till February 15 at midnight PT.
On a brighter note, one of the ladies Carrie just announced that she got engaged two days ago!  She found me May 2016 and less than 2 years later...she got the ring from the guy she adored!

She's engagement #5 this year, #153 the last 4 years!!

So the one engagement/week tradition is still going strong.

She got the ebook with 20 min Skype and 2-week email coaching (it's $137 today and will be soon $147), listened to some classes, primarily Module 2 Understanding Men and Four Components of Melting His Heart currently under the Valentine's Specials (you can either get $50 off or get 2 bonus classes value at $154 from the Goddess Interview Series and she listened to Wendy's interview on timeline which is in the 5th series and 2nd class).

And of course like so many others she didn't miss the hit "high value and easy to lose" class either.

I'm the world's top expert on complicated/difficult relationships and non-committal men as my track record and over 2000 testimonials have indicated. I'm the last resort when everything else under the sun has failed.

So once again, don't miss the Valentine's Specials cause you're worth it!

Last but not least, I will only one coaching program going on this year other than the monthly membership that you can attend live.  This program is brand new and it's an exploration of your inner genius.

This program will inspire you to be the greatest you can be in your own field.  Because each one of you has that Genius Zone lying dormant waiting to be awakened.  We will start (tentatively at this point) 2nd week of March.  And if you sign up today you will get $500 discounted rate.  My programs typically increase in prices with time, not decrease.

Plans are available.  Just email me if you need any more consideration.  I'm always open to your suggestions.

I will also hold my Feminine Magnetism retreat in my beautiful home in Southern California on May 2 - 6 so please book your calendar.   And you will receive special invitation if you sign up for Midas Touch.  You can sign up and get the early bird specials for the first 8 people and we currently have 6 seats left!

Please write me if you're interested and have any inquiries. 

We had such a great one last September.  You will get to relax, have fun, socialize and make friends with like minds, eat gourmet healthy food while nourishing your soul and cultivating your feminine magnetism.

You'll come home a new person.  One of the participants Alexandra said this about the retreat:  "Ladies, if you’re hesitating about booking Kat’s Retreat, please don’t!

I hesitated before going because I’ve been in this group for almost 3 years, had bought so many of her materials (Journey Inward, Four Components of Melting His Heart, monthly membership and all the other classes this includes), and already felt very much in my feminine energy, so I wasn’t sure of the added benefit of going. Well I was wrong. The benefits of going were priceless for me!

Despite already ‘knowing' a lot of the material, being there and hearing Kat speak in person, being able to hang out and just relax with her and her wonderful partner Joey, and exchanging in person with the other girls, had strong and unexpected long-lasting benefits!

After returning I encountered a very rough patch in my personal life, and I saw first-hand how her soothing words and advice really helped me. I was able with the tools that she ingrained in me to get a grip on myself, turn things around, and become happy and calm once again, - all on my own.

The end result is that my already successful long term relationship with my live-in BF has reached new heights that I couldn’t even imagine possible. He’s the most present and attentive partner I ever had. He shows it everyday in a multitude of small ways.

And now he even offered to invite all my family and friends for New Years day - he will be cooking a big brunch and making mimosas for all my loved ones, on his own initiative.

So if the retreat is financially feasible for you, please don’t hesitate to join!

Sending lots of love and holiday wishes to all you Kat-girls,



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